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Help, confused teen


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I met this girl in my class, we clicked as friends. We became very close. We both had our own realtionships. We helped each other when problems arose. Usually the same problem at teh same time.




Once summer hit, we didnt ge to do much, because she spent most her summer on and off at her sisters house out of state. Oh...we are both 15. Well the summer is when I started like her. I tried calling her sisters, but no dice. She tried me, but my nuber changed and no way for her to find out the new one. Our summer together wasnt much. Now I think about here alot and wish we were going out, steady, or whatever you wanna call it. I want it to be a long term relationship but I don't know.




A week before school starts my parents tell me I'm going to do home school, and play sports and take two classes at a private school 45 minutes away from my house. We are both involved in sports, and find it hard to get together. And we live 5 minutes driving distance away. Reason being I play football and Soccer, and She cheerleading, swim, and band.




On registration day she found out I was going to that school any more and almost started crying. She offered later to take me to the dances.




We talk on the phone a few times a week, right now the both of use are going though not liking school and friend problems. We laugh, watch the same tv shows and movies. Have a lot in common but we both are very different.




Since the registration day I havents seen her at all due to being grounded. First time being out with friends at my old schools football game. To make a long story short(to late) We hugged at least 2 times that night and wished we could have gone somewhere to eat. But I had an early football game the next day. Now she wants to get together before the homecoming game at a friends house that live near the school and after teh game go eat somewhere.




We were going to homecoming in a big group of close friends butdidnt work out.




We have mutual friends, some say to me just ask her out, some are'nt any help, and some say uwww maybe we can fix something up.




She occasionally throws something in our conversations that point to a more than bestfriends hint but she at the same time is seeing somebody, etc.




Thanks for your time,





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