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Would any of you be comfortable with this?

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It's just, he has done this before...


That is my only issue. The fact that he does stuff that he wouldn't normally do if I was around...


THIS is the problem. The fact that he is a different guy when you aren't around.


1. Makes you think possibly you don't KNOW him - all of his actions what he would/wouldn't do. That alone causes doubts.


2. He is so happy, laughing, acting flirtatious, etc. That is something you don't see anymore and haven't for some time now. That will cause doubts.


3. He puts you down all the time. He makes you feel less than significant in his life. That leads to doubts in itself. It would lead you to feel like you are easily replaceable. Some other girl could easily come along and be all of the things he says you are not. (A real man, who loves you, would never want you to feel this way and his actions would alleviate this feeling not encourage it.)


It is no wonder that you are insecure about it. It is the relationship you are in and how you have been conditioned (I hate to say this BUT how you have ALLOWED yourself to be conditioned) to think of yourself as "less than".


I also hate to say - Rhys makes it that way but you allow him to make it that way. You have to realize your own worth and bolster your self-esteem at least enough to recognize that he is putting you down because of his won insecurities. -- Helping him be more secure is not a fix by the way. Until he deals with it and his feelings about women in general it will be a pattern for him.

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...hmm, I could be wrong but L234 and PINK AMULET seem to have the same disposition, same taste in avatars, same location...


It's just speculation on my part.

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But Buddy and I have been friends since I was 12. Rhys didn't even know these girls....


I understand what I did was probably not the most honest thing, but NOTHING happened, we are JUST FRIENDS, we talked, laughed....things that FRIENDS do...that realy good friends do. Like I said, I could have thrown myself at him, i had a perfect opportunity to, but I didn't.


I think it's unfair that I feel as though i am denied of good friends, just because they are guys...


Ok, so I'm sounding a little hypocritical, but he spent the whole weekend with a RANDOM bunch of girls, going to the beach...


My only issue is that he wouldn't do that sort of thing if I was there, but the fact that I had gone away for the weekend, he decides to "play up", if you look at it in that repsect. I just feel as though every time I go away for a weekend, maybe ONE day, his inhibitions will go soaring out the window...


You either trust him or you don't. If you want to start laying down your own rules which, on the one hand allow you to talk to some of your guy 'friends' while on the other hand forbid him to hang out with a group of people which includes some girls, I think you're setting yourself up for failure - you're letting your insecurities eat you up. If you don't trust him, dump him - that simple.


This is classic female crap. Sorry.

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