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I've messed up and now i want him back.

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I broke up with my ex a month ago but now regret it horribly.

We were very good friends for 2 years and were together for 13 months before i started meeting new people and things just got stale, so i broke things off. We were so close though and he took it really badly.


For the first two weeks after we split we were still in contact and he was contantly telling me that he still loved me and couldn't deal with not having me around, But then i got involved with a new guy i'd met shortly before breaking up. soon after this though i reliesed i still love my ex and don't really want to be with this new guy at all.


I've spoken to my ex about it but he's said he's moved on and even is beginning to have feelings for someone else.

So we've done this big circle where first he wants me, and i don't want him, then i want him and he doesnt want me.


could his feelings for this new girl just be a rebound that i need to wait out?

and would it be better for me to break off contact and maybe start talkin again in a month or two?

or should i give up as hes moved on.

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If he ever did love u it would have tooken wayyyy longer for him to get over you, im sure you can see that by looking at everyone elses thread on here, you need to continue to try to get to him, and if you dont you should go NC, becuz it seems that hes playing mind games because he has the ball in his court now, so now he can pull the strings.


Go NC and go on from there

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not to sound ****ed up but,


Why are girls like that? they break up with someone they "love" and jump to the first guy that treats her nice??!?!? I'm in the situation YOUR boyfriend was in...he loved you..u guys get into a stupid fight, break up and u run to another guy he treats u good for a lil but u realize its not for u...yea...tell me something new...its the same **** all the time with girls...u never know what u want...me and my girlfriend broke up (5 years 6 months) and she runs to some moron that she knows is no good..w/e...girls are ****in shot...and if he is in a relationship...its probably the real deal...because he had his time to cry and miss you and realize u ain't comming back...so he moved on...you (and people that do it in general) just jumped to another guy without taking the time out to realize what u have or what ur gonna lose...which is y ur feeling like this...i think that u should let it burn for a lil...and maybe he'll come back around...but i don't know...him tryin to get you for 2 weeks is tiring...i know cause i've done it...it just gets meaning less after a while and we decide its not worth it...if he does give u a shot...remember he doesn't feel for u the wya ur feeling for him...so u gotta do something to make him realize...and if ur lucky you guys will work something out...but take it slow...

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girls - that's what they are when they are under 25 years old. KEY is 25 years old. If girls are under that age, they are unsure about EVERYTHING in life.


According to ladder theory, she tried to move up on the ladder but the ladder she perceived as higher is actually lower. Now she finds out and she wants to move back to the level she was at before. We all strive to move higher on the social ladder, dating prettier girls, girls dating richer boys. Girls fall to this more than men because men have better spacial and mathematics skills. men can see which girls are worth keeping and others are not. =)


like you said, girls dont know what they want and it is true. they won't know until 25. some even say 35 or 40.

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girls are insane...i feel bad for your boyfriend because you put him in a bad spot...he probably bad mouthed u to his friends, and u probably bad mouthed him to ur friends...how are u gonna feel IF you guys get back together? you have to think about these things, yea u could always work around ur friends but there will be a point and time where everyone has to be together...and if your friends, or his friends understand what hes going trhough...they'll expect you back and ur freinds will accpet her back...let me know.,

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If you are truly genuine then go and find him and look him straight in the eye and say that you are sorry, you made a mistake, your love for him is stronger than you thought and you want to be with him with a view to moving forwards in life.


If you are truly genuine and he doesn't want to see you then you should naturally want to kick his door down. Once you have said your piece leave him to decide and move on.


Stop pussy footying around on here and go and get your man back! :mad:


PS - Let this be a lesson to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

how do you think he feels? you immediately went into ANOTHER relationship? that HURTS. i would hurt if i were him, and i wouldnt trust you.


my ex broke up with me 3 weeks ago. i was devistated! we spent the past year of our life together, and he was my best friend and lover. for some reason, he wanted a break, i freaked out, agreed to meet up with him and asked, is this really what you want? and he said yes. i told him fine, then i cant see you or talk to you anymore. it just hurts too much. just last nite he called me at 1.30am. i didnt answer it, and im not calling him back. im over it. ive spent the last 3 weeks crying, not eating, not sleeping. did he give a ****? no. ive tried so hard to get him to understand what he was doing was wrong, but he didnt care. he even ignored me for almost 2 weeks before the breakup. totally insensitive. he abandoned me. and to rebuild that is going to take a very long time, and if he wants me back, he better to hell prove it to me.


just like your ex probably thinks you did to him. you abandoned him. you put him in the most painful situation he could endure. YOU started seeing someone else immediately.


not to sound mean, but you deserve what you get. it's a little something called Karma. maybe next time, dont be so selfish.

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I would have to agree with some of the points made by anto0o, especially how many girls don't know what they want. I know people make mistakes and sometimes we don't know what we want until we don't have it anymore. It sucks, but that happens all the time. And then when we figure out what we want, we can't have it anymore.


If you really want him back, all you can do is tell him how you feel and then leave him alone. You need to give him space and time. It's going to take time for him to somehow forget the pain you caused him.


I hope one day my ex will realize the same thing you're realizing now and comes back to me. Only time will tell.


Why is it that for most situations, when you finally start to move on that's when they come back?

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you need to let him go and have fun. he's suffered enough. and you said now you realized you actually love him...but only after you had dated another guy. that should not be the reason to love someone. you have made your point to him. enough said. be respectful to the girl he is dating and just let him be.

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im in a similar situation i messed up and i think i want him back but i realize its so selfish of me and probably has to do with the fact that i started dating adn it didnt go well and now hes planning to go out and enjoy himself and im scared.


I wrote him an email apologizin for the way i broke up but that is all ill do, im not even sure what i want and i dont want to hurt him again

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I don't think the reason for realising you made a mistake is important, we all make them; otherwise why the need for rubbers on the end of pencils.


The fact is that you have realised your mistake. You had the courage to look him in the eye and say it was over, now you must have the courage to look him in the eye and tell him that you truely miss/love/want him, that you are sorry and would love to be given another chance. If you are sincere about this then you have to do it. You already regret making the initial decision, do not regret eating some humble pie. He may tell you to sling your hook, but he may not; the choice should now be his, give him the chance and time to make it.

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