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i dont know 0_0

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i like this girl and we'v been talking and all this stuff for about a month she tells my close friend that she likes me she went out with another guy :( they broke up and she said to my friend she still likes me so yeah i give it another chance i started talking to her on aim and we talk for hours :D then yeah now we are hanging out more now but the only problem is it seems like she pays more attention to my friend instead of me =\ and i am starting to beleive my friend likes her i dont know what to do. she told my friend that im to shy >< but i dont know what to do she talks to me sometimes but it seems like they always talk more and im always just standing in the back -_- like im not even there.. i really like her and i dont want to blow it by just ignoring her or saying anything..i was thinking maybe i should just tell her how i feel but i dont know how i might look stupid ><

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I think you need to exactly tell her how you feel now. By now saying anything you will lose your chance. What do you have to lose? If you do not say anything you will lose period. If you say how you feel you still may lose or you may win. Which do you think is the better option?

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