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Potential for more than friends?

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Ok so I'll break it down nice and easy.


I knew this girl for about a year kinda. She is a friend of a friend I met a few times, she seemed nice. This weekend past we hung out for like 24 hours straight and then some. A little cuddling ensued and I didn't make a move.


*Not gonna lie, she is a lot more attractive than me but I can make her laugh any time i want and she thinks im really smart and what not. I know I have an amazing personality but im nowhere near as good looking as her.


She go to college about 6 hours away so that sucks but...


Here is where I need help. Does she like me?


Reasons I think she likes me:

-She said I'm gonna miss you before I left

-She has said I miss you like 4 times since ive been gone.

(which was only 2 days ago)

-She called me the night i left with the excuse of a crossword puzzle but we talked for like 2 minutes.

-She used to never be on AIM but now she comes on just to talk to me.

(I said why are you on AIM all of a sudden and she says to talk to you)

-She has posted on my live journal saying how awesome I am and that she needs my email address cos im not always on AIM like i said i would be

-I told her I liked her and she said she liked me

(but i dont know how she took it or how she meant it)

-She went and friended me on every site like...myspace, facebook and Livejournal

-She always IMs me first

-She REALLY wants me to come back soon

-and a few more i can't recall.


seems pretty obvious right? well...


Reasons I think she DOESNT like me:

-She has a lot of close guy friends that she'd never date

-She called me friend a few times, like HELLO FRIEND


and the big one


-She told the friend that I met her through

"Im scared that jack likes me" (im jack btw lol)


So my stupid friend told her I did and they talked about it a little and this girl wanted my friend to tell me that she "doesn't like me like that."


so....I feel like its pretty clear cut. Since she said that I should move on. I mean I'm not heart broken or anything I just really friggin liked her.


I have to go back in two weeks cos i got a ticket near there so should I give up? or try and see how things go?

should I be aggressive and see if she backs down?

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-She told the friend that I met her through

"Im scared that jack likes me" (im jack btw lol)


So my stupid friend told her I did and they talked about it a little and this girl wanted my friend to tell me that she "doesn't like me like that."


so....I feel like its pretty clear cut. Since she said that I should move on.


Yes, it seems pretty clear to me, too. I don't understand why you're even asking whether you should give up or not. It's very clear that you should give up and move on.

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I have to go back in two weeks cos i got a ticket near there so should I give up? or try and see how things go?

should I be aggressive and see if she backs down?


I think you already know the answer, give up and move on.


When she made the decision, being agressive is just being desperate.

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-She has a lot of close guy friends that she'd never date

-She called me friend a few times, like HELLO FRIEND



I think that's reason enough to say she's not interested, when she makes it so literal with 'hello friend'. in desperate situations where they dont want a misunderstanding, they often use that line.


However for all the reasons you think she likes you, she could just be fascinated by you and find you intriguing to talk to.


Often I find girls that have a lot of guy friends do have low self-esteem and often keep them stringing along for an ego boost.

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You're doomed. Run for it, as she is the type that will keep you around for entertainment and you'll be in hell forever.

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