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Porn...again...similar but different questions

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I've tried to look up why men look at porn etc etc etc...and I've come across lots of threads regarding this and I still get kindda confuse.

I just started dating my boyfriend for a month and I'm the type that get insecure easily...however, it's not the fact that he's watching porn that bothers me...what really bothered me though is I notice twice now that whenever there's sexual content on TV or magazine, he pay exceptional attention to that and that really bugs me.


Of course I understand men like to look at stuff like that but he just seem so interest in it (like on TV when girls are almost all nake).

I confronted him about him a few times jokingly and he totally ignore it and keep watching..so I finally got serious with him and he thought I'm stupid.


Maybe most guys whom are reading this thread think I'm kindda stupid too to get upset over it...like I said, I'm not angry at the fact that he's watching it but that I feel why is he ONLY and particularly interest in the scene that involve sex? I asked him and he said that he's just being open about it...well...I let it go for now and I didn't want to sound like an idiot so I didn't make too much of a deal of it..I think its' the reaction he has that bugs me everytime he just dig his head into watching chicks on TV and magazine...again like many other girls it makes me feel that I'm not attractive enough for him...


My question is, would other girls be annoyed about this or is it just only me?

It's kindda odd but it actually doesn't bother me too much that he's watching porn and do whatever he has to do when I'm not around as long as he's not overly doing it, but it bugs me the fact that he's reacting to the same stuff when I'm around and he felt like nothing's wrong with it.

Would guys get offended if their girlfriend just kept on looking at other men's body and fantasize about it?

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Guys like seeing naked women and guys like seeing people having sex. Some guys are way into it - especially when younger and less experienced with sex. If he can't control himself while you're there, I would guess your guy is probably on the younger and more immature side.


If he actually called you stupid or used the word stupid to describe your reaction, I'd consider that more to worry about than his interest in naked women. No one should call you or your observations and questions stupid - that's abusive and uncalled for.

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Guys like seeing naked women and guys like seeing people having sex. Some guys are way into it - especially when younger and less experienced with sex. If he can't control himself while you're there, I would guess your guy is probably on the younger and more immature side.


If he actually called you stupid or used the word stupid to describe your reaction, I'd consider that more to worry about than his interest in naked women. No one should call you or your observations and questions stupid - that's abusive and uncalled for.


Well, he didn't really call me "stupid", more like I asked him does he think I'm stupid to think this way..either way, he does think I'm unreasonable to be annoyed by his action.


Sadly enough, we're not teenagers either altho I do think I'm still kindda immature in a sense....The fact is too, he's very experienced so it doesn't seem like it's the lack of experience that drives him this way. I guess though it's true about the 'attitude' more than his 'action' that bothers me. I guess I will observe longer and see what happen...honestly, other than this factor, everything else seems fine, he's caring and loving, just that I'm not used to the way he is since none of my ex were like that.

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I've tried to look up why men look at porn etc etc etc...and I've come across lots of threads regarding this and I still get kindda confuse.

I just started dating my boyfriend for a month and I'm the type that get insecure easily...however, it's not the fact that he's watching porn that bothers me...what really bothered me though is I notice twice now that whenever there's sexual content on TV or magazine, he pay exceptional attention to that and that really bugs me.


Of course I understand men like to look at stuff like that but he just seem so interest in it (like on TV when girls are almost all nake).

I confronted him about him a few times jokingly and he totally ignore it and keep watching..so I finally got serious with him and he thought I'm stupid.


Maybe most guys whom are reading this thread think I'm kindda stupid too to get upset over it...like I said, I'm not angry at the fact that he's watching it but that I feel why is he ONLY and particularly interest in the scene that involve sex? I asked him and he said that he's just being open about it...well...I let it go for now and I didn't want to sound like an idiot so I didn't make too much of a deal of it..I think its' the reaction he has that bugs me everytime he just dig his head into watching chicks on TV and magazine...again like many other girls it makes me feel that I'm not attractive enough for him...


My question is, would other girls be annoyed about this or is it just only me?

It's kindda odd but it actually doesn't bother me too much that he's watching porn and do whatever he has to do when I'm not around as long as he's not overly doing it, but it bugs me the fact that he's reacting to the same stuff when I'm around and he felt like nothing's wrong with it.

Would guys get offended if their girlfriend just kept on looking at other men's body and fantasize about it?


yes it is offensive i cant even have sex with my wife cause she looks at porn and i dont

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