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We're Just Friends. Best thing to do in the mean time?

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I made a post about this girl who obviously wants to be just friends with me.




She is friends with all my friends so I see her all the time.


I know this sounds juvenile and what not but is there anything I could possibly do even if its something real small?


Like should I ignore her, should I pretend everything is ok?

What should I do now?


I'm not going to obsess over her, she doesn't like me, I get it but what can I do if anything to at least HELP things turn around?

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I made a post about this girl who obviously wants to be just friends with me.




She is friends with all my friends so I see her all the time.


I know this sounds juvenile and what not but is there anything I could possibly do even if its something real small?


Like should I ignore her, should I pretend everything is ok?

What should I do now?


I'm not going to obsess over her, she doesn't like me, I get it but what can I do if anything to at least HELP things turn around?


You will obsess over her if you keep any shred of hope or "least HELP things turn around"


If you want to stay then by all means do, if you really want to pretend then you are doing a disservice to yourself and her. Why fake it?


I would not avoid her or be near her but if you really want to be friends. You should still DO YOUR OWN THING; don't wait for her, don't stick around just to be near her. Date others, flirt with others, do your own thing.


What will you do if she says she is getting married after seeing guys for years? You just wasted a few years on waiting, in the meantime; you missed the hottie in the canoe, ferry, or yacht waving at you.

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Oh yeah, no, seriously...


I am VERY good at being honest with myself. I am brutally honest. People are amazed at how in touch with my actions I am.


Lemme give you an example of what I'm saying.


She lives in Canada about 6 hours away from me. She is friends with all my friends who live there so whenever I visit my friends, she will be there.


So should I like, Ignore her? Should I be very friendly? Should I jokingly hit on her? Should I try and initiate physical contact? Should I be mean? Should I act like everything is ok?


I am not thinking of doing any of these I'm just giving examlpes.


What I'm trying to say is, when I HAVE to be around her, how should I act?

I really don't need/want her as a friend. I have enough friends. If I had to choose between liking her and her wanting to be friends or her just disapearing from my life I'd probably pick the latter.


I'm really not hung up on her and if I saw another girl tommorrow I wouldn't think twice about it. Even if I was at a party with her there, I still wouldn't think twice about flirting with another girl.

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Just be friendly. DO NOT be mean or ignore her. There's nothing more unattractive and sad than a guy who pouts or gets nasty after he finds out a girl doesn't like him.


Flirt with her if you want, but don't do it with the intention of trying to get her to like you.

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That is the EXACT little tid bit of info I was looking for.


I really can't thank you enough.


Thanks :laugh:

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I really don't need/want her as a friend. I have enough friends. If I had to choose between liking her and her wanting to be friends or her just disapearing from my life I'd probably pick the latter.


I really dont quite understand why it is so hard for you to get over her if you take this kind of attitude. If you dont feel you need/want her as a friend why would you feel you need/want her as a girlfriend? If you really liked her you would want to remain friends, however difficult that might be. Your attraction to her is obviously not that meaningful if you think her friendship isnt that important, give it a few days or weeks and youll be over her.

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I see your point and the thing is Ill admit I might have been a little upset when I wrote that, slightly. She really is an amazing person. I know this sounds SOOOO middle school but like I thought this girl was marriage material.


Its just kinda hurts to be stuffed in the friend closet when you like someone that much. So thats why I said that.


Egh, I feel like a teenager lol.


But um, I'm gonna do the friends thing and see what happens. I really really really like this girl and if she ends up a friend then that'll just be another girl that I'm in love with who only wants to be friends. Awesome.


Don't get me wrong I've had my fair of the ladies but this just happens a lot. bah, oh well.


Thanx everyone.

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