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Dealing with depression in the workplace

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Hello- After much hemming and hawing - I went to see a shrink- Been feeling lousy and depressed as of late and have been diagnosed with depression. I have all the "classic" signs..... I've been put on Lexapro.

My question is this- I've been feeling this way for a while and have not performed up to my ability at my job.. It's year end review time and I know I will probably hear about - Would it be in my best interest to tell my boss about this condition??? I'm confused

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Hello- After much hemming and hawing - I went to see a shrink- Been feeling lousy and depressed as of late and have been diagnosed with depression. I have all the "classic" signs..... I've been put on Lexapro.

My question is this- I've been feeling this way for a while and have not performed up to my ability at my job.. It's year end review time and I know I will probably hear about - Would it be in my best interest to tell my boss about this condition??? I'm confused


Well I think maybe you should tell him, but before the year end review comes up.

People have very different opnions on being "depsressed" and can find it as excuses and so on.

I can totally understand how you feel, and I think you should bring it up to him, scedule a little meeting time or something to let him know, gor the sake of the year end review and your overall futur at work and with the company.

Good luck im sure you are not alone

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Yup, tell him and just make sure your boss knows that you are seeking help for your depression and you are going to get better.

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Yup, tell him and just make sure your boss knows that you are seeking help for your depression and you are going to get better.

this is fine to do as long as you're aware it may effect your future at the company in a negative way. it will be hard to get promotions and advance because some supervisors won't want an empoloyee with a mental illness. Sorry but thats the way it goes.

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You could just say that you have been dealing with some personal issues and have dealt with them and are back on track now. It's probably not going to do you any good as far as the year end review because those are no doubt already done. However, you will get a chance to say what you want to work on for next year and this is when you can mention it. I'd say if he/she doesn't say anything about your performance, don't bring up the depression, just say your personal life affected your job performance.


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