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Will she forgive me?

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i am currently speaking to a girl in which i think likes me and i like her too.

we get on very well and we really enjoy each others company, we smile and laugh at each other and im pretty sure she likes me as she put in the effort to hang with me and so often she will look over at me in classes.


but i have been the most stupid guy recently and i think ive somehow annoyed her.. yes i now realise i think what i have done wrong and i fear she hates me now for this.. so im asking if there is any way i can put this right..


first problem.. i hang with many girls sometimes so i think she gets the impression i like other girls more than her but i have spent more time with her (i like her and no one else, just her, shes the one i want as my gf)


second problem.. ive acted un-interested at times because i get nervous but recently i have been more comfortable around her and showed i care.


third problem.. i didnt spend much of the last week with her and i think she may have gotten pissed with me for that.. i was busy though so i mentioned to her about that.


fourth problem.. and the worst.. we spend friday talking and everything goes well and then i showed her my phone which has a picture of another girl on it.. how f*ckin stupid can i get and i think when she saw it she thought i liked her more or something.. when i dont. i have started by deleting that image off my phone and now i need someway to apologize to her but without seeming too obvious because if she isnt mad about that and is about something else it may make me look abit needy and then she knows my weaknesses.


what can i do to correct this? how i can i let her know i still like her and that im sorry without being too over the top about it? should i just kiss her, say sorry or just plain and cleanly ask her to please date me.

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what can i do to correct this? how i can i let her know i still like her and that im sorry without being too over the top about it? should i just kiss her, say sorry or just plain and cleanly ask her to please date me.


i think maybe you just be yourself. take care of ur life as u normally would. ur busy one week? too bad. you have to ask yourself whether u think u would react the same if the roles were reversed. if the answer is yes, you're on the road to a codependent relationship. which btw is not a good thing. relax and remember these are not serious wrongs committed against someone. be normal and she should realize she overreacted. i think if any apology is due it isn't from u. take a good look at what u wrote here and think of the "advice" u would give a friend, stranger, etc. don't change or expect change cause that always leads to bitterness. good luck

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