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Strange or not?

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I was in a FWB situation with a younger man. He has a drinking problem as well as many other problems. I enjoyed his company and felt various connections to him. I thought we sincerely liked each other. Sex wasn't that great and we both had reasons to accept blame in that area. It seemed to be getting better as we had not been together sexually very long.


He's been afraid of hurting me as he did not want long-term or serious. I was ok with it as I know people can get hurt in any relationship for any reason. My getting hurt would not be the end of the world. I was prepared for hut - just not as strangely as it happened.


A couple of times when he drank he said he didn't feel guilty about being with me. He is religious as I am. He said sometimes when he is with women he feels guilty because sex should be saved for marriage. This guy is not inexperienced at all. He's been in many relationships as well as was the agressor in ours. I didn't think much about it because when he drinks he tends to say all sorts of things - including how much he cares for me. I learned to dismiss things he said while drinking.


One night while sober he told me he was feeling guilty about being with me sexually and was going back to church - perhaps professionally. The insecure girl in me came out and made issue of it ... feeling like the slut or sinner now in what we had. I felt it was a wrong way for him to end what we had - a cop-out and he probably was just not that into me unless he was drinking (which definitely hurts my ego).


So ... would anyone feel odd if a guy told you this? And more or less dumped you for this reason? Would you believe him and if it were true .. would you still feel hurt and disappointed? Even tho it was a FWB thing - I just expected more consideration as he doesn't seem to care about how I feel in all this.


Thanks in advance for any advice or opinion.

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