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Is it unreasonable...

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I have been in a relationship for about 3 months, and because this is only my second real relationship, I am not sure exactly what would be considered reasonable expectations. If he says he will call me right back, I take that to mean maybe an hour or so... and then he doesn't call for a couple of days. He also seems to run everytime I want to meet him somewhere other than my house... I have never been to his, or been out on a date with him. This makes me think the only thing I am good for, in his opinion, is sex... Any other opinions on this?

I know that he works a lot, but there seem to be a lot of "emergencies" that prevent him from meeting me or calling/emailing/texting me. Does it sound to anyone that he may already be in another relationship? I am getting a lot of mixed signals, he seems really attracted to me and nice to me when I see him, but I feel like I am an out of sight, out of mind (unless he wants sex) toy. He is also a good 10+ yrs older than me; I don't mind, but I don't really know how he sees me... maybe some insight from a guy would be helpful..

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I have been in a relationship for about 3 months, and because this is only my second real relationship, I am not sure exactly what would be considered reasonable expectations. If he says he will call me right back, I take that to mean maybe an hour or so... and then he doesn't call for a couple of days. He also seems to run everytime I want to meet him somewhere other than my house... I have never been to his, or been out on a date with him. This makes me think the only thing I am good for, in his opinion, is sex... Any other opinions on this?

I know that he works a lot, but there seem to be a lot of "emergencies" that prevent him from meeting me or calling/emailing/texting me. Does it sound to anyone that he may already be in another relationship? I am getting a lot of mixed signals, he seems really attracted to me and nice to me when I see him, but I feel like I am an out of sight, out of mind (unless he wants sex) toy. He is also a good 10+ yrs older than me; I don't mind, but I don't really know how he sees me... maybe some insight from a guy would be helpful..





I agree with you on maybe he is with someone els.....is there a chnace he could be married? :eek: What do you want from a relationship right now? If you feel you want to be serious and have someone there for you (a partner) I think you need to find someone els. If he truely wanted to be with you I think thigns would be different.

I guess it depends on what you want, If you are ok with a non serious relationship (which I don't think you are) You need to move on or maybe say something?

I know it has only been 3 months but he doesn't take you out and goes days without calling you?

I don't think this is very fair to you.

I hope things work out

Good luck!:)

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This makes me think the only thing I am good for, in his opinion, is sex... Any other opinions on this?


Quite simply stop giving it to him.


In that one line you have answered your own question.

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