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Sound fishy or being paranoid?

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I just need an opinion.


Does this sound like something i should be concerned with..When my b/f picked me up yesterday. I got in the car and maybe about two minutes later he says--did you lose lip gloss in the car? He said his mother find it(he has his own car but sometimes uses his mom's as well). And i just kind of said no..


i really dont remember losing anything. I saw him glancing at my lips and he saw that i was not wearing any(which is what i was able to figure when i saw him subtly doing that). And then he said it looks like what you would use, its pink. And i just kind of shrugged like i didnt think i lost anything. He quickly says its not mine.


But then 30 minutes later when we get to the house and had to get soemthing--i mentioned it probably was mine as kind of a reminder but then 10 minutes later when he came out...i said did you bring it and he was like oh i forgot, i'm not gonna go back inside you have another one. And then i was like i want it back in a joking way and he said well they are all the same i will just take one of mine(joking around about what i might be thinking--which is--was it someone else's?


Do you think i should worry--b/c sometimes his mom will come out to say hi and maybe he thought she would bring it up..but he could have easily said--yeah its hers i will give it to her..and then obviously not give to me if i wasn't mine and it was some other girls. I was thinking a person can cover their tracks in this way--ask the g/f pretending its hers just in case the mother mentions but..but then later say i can't find it. Too thought out? Should i be worried? Ask again tonight for it? Let it go??

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And pretty much only him and the mother uses it. She doesnt drive around with friends--she just takes care of a grandchild..There is not many options of who it could be.

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I would definitely ask to see this lip gloss - if he has nothing to hide then it wont be a problem - if he goes all werid about it then you know to question him more about this ? do you even wear pink lip gloss ?

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yes--i do wear pink lip gloss...why would he say that color if i didn't..i dunno what to do think..what if he says he lost it or cant find it.

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I really wouldn't stress out about it if I were you. You may have lost it in the car ages and ages ago and don't remember...unless you only use one lip gloss and keep track of it at all times - I certainly don't! :D


Unless you have other reasons for being suspicious of your bf, you might just give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

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I mean if you think about it--its a smart way for a person to cover their tracks..ask my g/f just in case the mother brings it up to her and it won't be news to her...but tell her i lost it just in case it did belong to someone else.


It really didnt take me much to think of a way for a person to do this. Should i really just give the benefit of the doubt---i know you are supposed to trust...but when stuff like this happens it can be hard for your mind NOT to wonder what if he is doing something. Please write back on what you think of this incident.

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Do you have any other reason to suspect your boyfriend of anything? If not, it's your over-active imagination that's making trouble for you.


Who cares if his mother found lip gloss in her car and can't figure out where it came from? Who knows how long it's been there! Who knows what she's forgetting about who was in her car at some point! Who knows what YOU are forgetting or didn't notice...do you always notice if you leave your lip gloss or a hair tie or something other little thing somewhere? Isn't that how things get lost - because you don't notice and don't remember?


I doubt your bf is being as devious as you think he is by asking you just in case his mom asks you...blah blah blah...that's very paranoid, unless he's cheated on your before or he has given you some reason not to trust him.

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I think its hard to be with someone and not ever come across some incident where u went hmmm..


There have been isolated incidents where i thought this and debated am i being paranoid? I guess if he were cheating--the incidents wouldnt be isolated? I would continue to see things on a daily basis?


My friend said it is a smart move but do u really think he had another girl in his car?---when i think about it--i think the worst that could have happened was maybe he gave a girl a ride home from work or something and just didnt wanna make me jealous or angry or be questioned about it etc etc.


Noone else would find this at all suspicious?

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Do i not ask for it this week b/c it will sound like too much...and ask maybe at the of the week or something when he is going into the house..do i wait longer than that to ask? I really dont wanna hear i cant find--i know i will think--who's was it..no matter who i was with in this situation.

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