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Jealousy driving me crazy!!

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I think jealously might destroy my relationship with my current boyfriend and with all men for that matter. I have been cheated on before and have basically been abandoned from another ex. So I have trust issues when it comes to relationships.


The problem is that my boyfriend has a lot of female friends. He used to go to college in CA and the population was mostly female. He also had a long term relationship with someone who lived an hour away and she didn't mind his relationships with other females.


Now I live an hour and a half away from him, we see eachother on weekends, but me not being there and him having all these friends who are girls is driving me crazy.


I have been told by many guys that women and men can not have a regular normal friendship without there being something more, and I personally have never had a male friend who didn't want to jump me. So I am just having a hard time with this.


He thinks it is ridiculous that I want him to choose between me and his female friends. He told me to just trust him, and that he would never cheat on a girl, especially one that he plans on marrying. Please help me before I destroy this relationship.


Do you think it is fine for women and men to have a friendship, if that is even possible???

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Can someone please help me. I just do not know what to do. I just know sometimes that maybe I am not ready for a relationship if I can not trust him, but I just don't understand why he feels the need to be friends with people of the opposite sex. I don't have friends who are male, and he says that if I did he wouldn't mind at all.


We almost broke up over this, but I love him and I don't want to end my relationship over my insecurities.

He said that if someone is going to cheat, they will cheat whether they have female friends or not. He just said that he just has always had female friends, and that if we broke up he would never date any of them, that he would go find someone that was not already his friend.


Am I crazy or what?

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