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that wont work, give me another solution".... "that wont work, give me another solution"..... "that wont work, give me another solution"..... "that wont work, give me another solution".....


Lol, the only way I've managed to see this post is cos it got quoted.


Yeah, that is right, but, you know, it's not my fault if most people's advice is ****. Take some responsibility, instead of blaming it on others for a change.


And the only reason you've had "good" experiences with him is you dont offer him any advice at all. Which is all fine and dandy, because apparently that's what he wants.


I had good experiences with him yes. He is so cute. He reminds me of Denver guy... awwwwww....


Btw, just out of curiosity, did you do a lot of narcotics growing up?


No, I'm like this.





Wow, dissing Ariadne now?

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He writes posts so rude that they have to be deleted. He's rude to me. Why? WHat the heck did I ever do to him?


They delete his threads a lot. I think Ross' threads are authentic and that he doesn't mean to be offensive. But that's just my impression.


"La la la, I can't hear you"






Well, walk, you must have done something wrong, otherwise why whould I be offensive to you, why would you be on my ignore list?

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Originally Posted by dgiirl:

we dont make this sh*t up


I see that now. Truth really IS stranger than fiction!


How long do you think before this one gets deleted? I'm giving it 10 more posts before Rossy boy really starts in with the name calling.

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Well, walk, you must have done something wrong, otherwise why whould I be offensive to you, why would you be on my ignore list?


Uh... Cause you felt slighted because I told you I was going to put you on ignore.


What you don't understand though, is the only reason I wanted to put you on ignore is because of my temper. Its pretty volitile and I like to stop myself long before I reach ignition stage. (self-restraint is the one reason I've never been suspended from LS, which is not something you can say.)


I was putting you on ignore for YOUR safety.


But whatever... you took offense to it... now it's kind of fun to post stuff and you can't read it. hahahah

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Ariadne, you crack me up! "No, I'm like this." Too funny!


Anyway, what's the big deal if Ariadne sees things in Ross or DOESN'T see things in Ross that you all do? What's the harm? Sounds like he can use at least ONE person in his corner. He's confused and trying to figure things out now.


Everyone is STILL ignoring the post I pointed out. Maybe everyone can start out with a clean slate with him? Let him continue to try to figure this all out with our input. And call him on any inappropriate reactions.


Can that work?


Oh don't worry Touche, I tried to call it quits, I actually aknowledged that some of this may be my fault. And, I was actually going to make a topic on the water cooler making an apology and asking everyone else to do the same, and, offering to take everyone off my ignore list. Yet, I see loads of people still posting giving me crap. Oh well, you can only try I suppose, seems like I'm dealing with a lot of immature people here.

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Oh don't worry Touche, I tried to call it quits, I actually aknowledged that some of this may be my fault. And, I was actually going to make a topic on the water cooler making an apology and asking everyone else to do the same, and, offering to take everyone off my ignore list. Yet, I see loads of people still posting giving me crap. Oh well, you can only try I suppose, seems like I'm dealing with a lot of immature people here.


Giving you crap? Where? You took offense to stuff that wasn't offensive. I don't even understand WHY you took offense to it. Why don't you ask what the person meant prior to jumpint to conclusions?

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He cannot call us names if he ignores us.......


This is again a one man show......


* how many times can you beat the dead horse before you get to the center of it?


I am invisible...... ! :D

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Oh don't worry Touche, I tried to call it quits, I actually aknowledged that some of this may be my fault. And, I was actually going to make a topic on the water cooler making an apology and asking everyone else to do the same, and, offering to take everyone off my ignore list. Yet, I see loads of people still posting giving me crap. Oh well, you can only try I suppose, seems like I'm dealing with a lot of immature people here.


lol maybe it'd help to take ppl OFF ignore b4 writing this? :lmao: :lmao:

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lol maybe it'd help to take ppl OFF ignore b4 writing this? :lmao: :lmao:


I like the part about how he would graciously offer, not actually do, but he'd offer to take people off ignore if they would grovel and beg at his feet. Oh wait.. that's me reading into it... But he never did say he WOULD take them off ignore, only offer to if there would be a round of apologies.


(wow.. I forgot how to spell apology plural.)

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hahahah yah i noticed that too... either act or not, dont talk about what you coulda woulda done if there's flying pigs in the sky.

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Well maybe Ross you can take everyone off your ignore list and start fresh? (Am I on his ignore list? :laugh: He won't see this if I am!)


I was about to, but it seems, no one else wants to be adult about this, so, what can you do?

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Jeez, why the hell is dgiirl, walk, and a4a still here?


Are their lives that empty and unmeaningfull?


I only speak for me, but.............



Yup! :p:lmao:


And DAMN proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I only speak for me, but.............



Yup! :p:lmao:


And DAMN proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I kind of feel like I should say "I'm rubber and you're glue... "


Flash backs of elementary school are hazing my vision......... The world is turning dark.........



God, I miss nap time in pre-school. Anyone else miss that? Why the heck can't the working world be like that? Cookies, milk and a nap.

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I only speak for me, but.............



Yup! :p:lmao:


And DAMN proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah I am sitting here enjoying the show (this one) waiting for the H so we can head out...... gawd, my life is so so empty. :lmao:


Love me Ross just love me I need to be loved by you poop poop pa doo.

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Ok, everyone PLEASE stop it!


Ross, PLEASE take responsibility for your part in this. Go ahead and apoligize like you said you were going to do. I would bet that most people here are kind-hearted and forgiving and will forgive you. But if you really want to start over then PROVE it! Do it, ok?


So apologize and take everyone off ignore and we'll all be here to try to help ok? You can be part of this community or you can be against all of us. Which do you choose?


(Why did I suddenly think of the Bush terrorist speech where he says you're either with us or against us?...or something like that...)


So anyway, what's it going to be, Ross?

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Ok, everyone PLEASE stop it!


Ross, PLEASE take responsibility for your part in this. Go ahead and apoligize like you said you were going to do. I would bet that most people here are kind-hearted and forgiving and will forgive you. But if you really want to start over then PROVE it! Do it, ok?


So apologize and take everyone off ignore and we'll all be here to try to help ok? You can be part of this community or you can be against all of us. Which do you choose?


(Why did I suddenly think of the Bush terrorist speech where he says you're either with us or against us?...or something like that...)


So anyway, what's it going to be, Ross?



Just wanted to say I'll extend a hearty hand, and a big smile if you want to try this again with a clean slate.

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you might want to pm him... seems he's still trying to catch up on the posts he's missed and at the same time digging a bigger deeper hole.

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Just wanted to say I'll extend a hearty hand, and a big smile if you want to try this again with a clean slate.


See Ross! Walk has been one of your critics. Apparently you have a LOT of critics concerning your attitude and behavior. But look, I told you that many would be able to wipe the slate clean and try to help if you would just acknowledge your part in all of this and if you would just apologize like you said you were "going to." Now's a good time as any.


If Walk and others can do it for YOU then surely you can do that for THEM.


So start over.

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See Ross! Walk has been one of your critics. Apparently you have a LOT of critics concerning your attitude and behavior. But look, I told you that many would be able to wipe the slate clean and try to help if you would just acknowledge your part in all of this and if you would just apologize like you said you were "going to." Now's a good time as any.


If Walk and others can do it for YOU then surely you can do that for THEM.


So start over.


Uh... Touche? He can't see my posts 'cause he put me on ignore. So, No. He doesn't see.


Gettin' off to do homework. Ick. So no worries if I don't reply to Ross saying he agree's and does want to start over. (I don't believe in apologies unless the person understands what they are apologizing for.. so I'd be happy just to leave it at "agree to disagree".)


Anyway, offer still stands!

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walk, she quoted you... and if he can read touche's post, he'll see your quote :)


Doh. :o


I'm blaming it on the cat. Keeps crawling all over me and demanding attention. :D

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