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I was too drunk i never meant it

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I met my boyfriend jonny about 8 months ago when we both stayed in the same homeless unit and we just clicked he is my longest relationship and i am his. We have already said we love each other and we have already had arguments but that is the same for every couple.


he stays with his mum and i stay with mine but a few months back when his mum went on holiday his friend asked me to bring a friend down for him to talk to so he didnt feel left out so i agreed and i brought down alyson i didnt really know her that well but we were friendly. As it got through the nite we all were very drunk and in jonnys neighbours house.


alyson spilled a drink on her top so jonny offered her a t-shirt to wear for a while and i said i would go up with them to get it because jonny was acting a little too friendly around her but he told me just to stay in his neighbours i was so angry with him but i sat down and waited. half an hour later they emerged but jonny was that drunk he fell asleep on the sofa straight away and me and his friend discussed the incident and i know they at least kissed but obviously they both denied it.


the next day when he woke up he said he didnt do anything with alyson because he couldnt remember half of the night its is such a obvious excuse but he has appologised every day since but maintains his innocence i gave him the benefit of the doubt and we have been fine since but last night we were in his neighbours house having a little drink that turned into a drinking frenzy everyone was drunk. half way through the night jonnys neighbours friend paul who is 33 offered to swap me shoes as we were the same size and my feet were sore.


it was so funny watching him jiggle about in high heeled boots. but he said to me to go into the other room to swap them thinking nothing of it because of my drunkeness and he has known jonny for years. when i was takin my boots off he slipped his hand up my skirt but didnt touch me he done it with both legs then we had a laugh about him wearing my boots then he felt my bum and kisses me i went along with it but all i could feel was guilt but somehow it didnt stop me. nothing much happened we just grabbed and felt each other up and it only lasted for a minute.


as the night went on he kept making passes and i woke up on the couch and he was sittin next to me with the covers over us talkin to his pals when he realised i was awake he put his hand up my skirt but i stopped him. his friend vicky seen him touchin my bum earlier on and said to me that she thought i slept with him but i said i didnt but she said if jonny ever found out it would break his heart because she said he loved me too much to ever know there are only 4 people that know about it and i am so worried because it is a very tight circle of friends. why did i do it?

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Just maintain ur innocence and say u were drunk..thats what i wud do..u were not clear headed to begin with..or u cud try to sit him and tell him that hey paul did this in the room and i didn't know what was happening till i woke up the next day which is true..and then if he struggles to believe u, remind him that u gave him the benefit of the doubt when something happened with him.


Ultimately tell him that no matter how many times he wants u to prove ur defense and ur reasons etc, he is the one u love and u wudnt ever want to lose him. When we're drunk we do the most stupidest things. if he cant separate ur drunk state from ur sober state, then he's not worth holding onto.



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Tell him what happened before someone else does!


Trust me, if he finds out any other way, you are in deep water! Its better that it comes from you than anybody else! This will also give you a piece of mind and should there be an opportunity next time, the chances of you being so easily tempted will be less!


Good luck!

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So, basically your bf fooled around with your friend, and you fooled around with your bf's friend?


I agree with the above poster about telling your bf what happened. Someone will leak the story. It's going to happen. It'd be better to take control of the situation then wait to just react to it.


By the way. Drunk is no excuse. Not for either of you. I think you need to re-evaluate your relationship and figure out how to fix whatever is wrong. But there's something not quite right or both of you wouldn't be off kissing and groping other people.


I'd suggest telling your bf what happened, and asking him to work with you on creatign a better relationship together. If he denies having done anything wrong, then bluff him. Tell him Alyson told you enough of what happened that you felt he crossed the line to. Then focus on the fact that you were BOTH wrong, and that you want to make this work, etc. etc..


Don't let him shift blame onto you. Just keep telling him you're both to blame. Not just him, not just you. And if he wants this relationship to work, then he needs to focus on how to fix it, not on who to blame.


It would help if you could come up with some ways to fix the relationship, or at the very least, identify what's going wrong and find some options on how to begin repairing the latest problem.


If you do nothing and hope your secret stays hidden, then your relationship will be over with for good pretty soon. If you take action now, you might have a chance to salvage it.

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