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Girlfriend Having Trouble

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The girl I talked about in another forum here and that I have been dating for about 6 weeks now moved here this August from Colorado, 2000 miles away. She lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone and lived there her entire life (almost 17 years).


She told me right now she really has no idea who she is or where her life is going; she had her whole life planned out in her old town and then out of nowhere she moves from Colorado to Indiana.


I want to help her, but she is the type of girl that hates depending on anyone for anything; she thinks you can't depend on anyone but yourself because people will always let you down. I am a very dependable guy, and I want to help her in the worst way. Some days she seems distant, and it frustrates me because I try to cheer her up, but nothing really seems to work, at least she doesn't show it if it does.


What can I do to make her happy?

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You can't make other people happy; that comes from within.


She has to make this adjustment for herself, and figure out how to make a life for herself in this new place. It's natural for her to go through a transition period after a big move like that. It's natural for her to feel out of sorts, depressed, anxious, confused, and up-in-the-air.


Colorado and Indiana...it's a bit like the difference between California and Illinois, which is the move I made recently, and I'm going through the same thing she is. There really isn't anything anyone can do right now to cheer me up. I have to figure it out for myself and make this place work for me as my new home. It's been a few months and I'm still not reconciled to being here.


Just be there for her when she wants a friend to talk to or to go out with.

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