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Cheating Signs

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I wondered about this a few times but never really thought of what the answer might be. You hear the classic signs of a man cheating..Working over time a lot, Not as much sex.


Regarding sex--does it mean a drastic change? Like how do you know its a lower desire--if a week goes by and he isn't interested in having it, doesn't initiate it? Or if he isn't as aggressive as he used to be. I have been with my b/f for almost 2 years and can say months ago--if we hadn't seen in each other in like 4 days--it almost seemed like he was ready as soon as we got back to his place--things seem a little slower now. Like now we are in a pattern of coming back, eating dinner first, watching some tv..when months ago it was sometimes having sex twice in one night..Do i consider that as kind of a natural change as the relationship gets older? Or is that a drastic change? I never could understand what this meant and how to differ between the two. Like i feel like it may not be completely the same as it was months ago--but maybe thats b.c the relationship isnt as new anymore.

Just always wanted opinions on what it meant and how do you know when to say--he isnt as interested.


With working OT--sometimes its random with my guy because they tell him if they need somebody or sometimes he tries to squeeze in an hour to get extra money even if he isnt doing much work. When do you worry with the OT if you do not live with your b.f--if you call him and there is no answer and he doesnt call you back for like 2 hours at a time. There are times when i call my b/f and he says he is sitting there in the office and hardly anyone is there..or there are times there is no answer but will call back usually shortly after. Or times he calls when he is on his way back to the office(he has to drive sometimes--dont wanna be too detailed about job description) and then will go once he reaches the destination.

When your guy says he is working late--would you try to call just to make sure sometimes b/c this is a classic sign.


Just curious as to what people think of these 2 particular signs b/c i kinda always wondered.

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I would say that if he is working alot of over time, right often, if he is not at work, or where he says he is going to be, and the sex drops off alot, not just in a weeks time, then you might have cause for alarm. You can also do a search on signs of cheating, but remember they are what they say they are, SIGNS. Its not 100 percent proof that he is cheating just because you read the signs that he could be.




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Not just in a weeks time--meaning it continues longer than that? One week not being interested, another week is, then another week not interested wouldnt be a sign as well?

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Not just in a weeks time--meaning it continues longer than that? One week not being interested, another week is, then another week not interested wouldnt be a sign as well?


Maybe he is more tired sometimes that other times? Stress can dimish a sex drive as well. Have you noticed any other things that seem odd to you? How is he treating you outside the bedroom?





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Stop having sex with him for a few days and have sex to see just how much sperm he actually "produce". It a real good indicator if he is having sex in between.

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Stop having sex with him for a few days and have sex to see just how much sperm he actually "produce". It a real good indicator if he is having sex in between.


That means nothing if he's masturbating in between the sex.

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I found that the best sign was when he suddenly started getting all weird when I looked at his checkbook or reciepts.


One day we are married and my purse and his wallet are open to each other. Suddenly I can't even open his wallet to put in the new insurance card without him jumping all over me.


Does he suddenly demand privacy in aspects of his life that were previsouly not sacrosanct?

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I found that the best sign was when he suddenly started getting all weird when I looked at his checkbook or reciepts.


One day we are married and my purse and his wallet are open to each other. Suddenly I can't even open his wallet to put in the new insurance card without him jumping all over me.


Does he suddenly demand privacy in aspects of his life that were previsouly not sacrosanct?


This is a huge red flag!


And the fact you are questioning is an even bigger red flag. I would pay attention but don't be to suspicious (no accusations). In my experience, when this type of feeling you have is present, then there is usually trouble.



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