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This Man captivated me But....

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I met someone and we been together almost everyday or at least talked on the phone. Its been like 3 weeks. The thing is he is very short tempered. I was suppose to go pick him up to go get a room together. His truck was being repaired. I walked in the door from work and my roommate was sleeping so I put my cell on silent.


He was calling but I didnt answer cuz I did not want to wake up my roommate. When I finally got my stuff together and left I listened to his mess. It said " Im at easy out burger if you are not here in F---- 15 minutes F you understand? And it you dont like the way I am talking to you then F off!. I was intears I couldnot believe he said that to me. He flys off the handle a lot. But Im so crazy about him and it sucks. How could I get him to be more respectful of my feelings?

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Talk to him about how you feel. If he doesn't try to change, then f off just like he told you to. This is how you get involved in abusive relationships. Talk to him or get away. The next thing you know he will be hitting you. No lady deserves that crap.

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My NUMERO UNO major red flag is someone with a short temper. They are NO FUN to live with. Forget talking to him; that won't change him. People either live on short fuses or they do not. The ones who do are MISERY to live with.


Please run away now before you get too fond of all his other qualities. Because I promise you that eventually this one will outweigh them all.

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How could I get him to be more respectful of my feelings?
You can't. He won't. It's who he is and it will only get worse.


Why in the world are you feeling anything at all for a guy like that? I mean at some point the bad has to outweigh the good and there seems to be an awful lot of bad with him.

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Save yourself all kinds of grief and forget this guy.


If he flies off the handle a lot and is already talking to you this way after only 3 weeks, it's only going to get worse. Why put yourself through the abuse?

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I hate to think he would ever hit me. Although I did check his record out and he has been arrested for assualt with a deadly weapon. I am not sure if it was a girl he did this to or what.


Its just so sad because he is so nice most of the time and we have alot of fun together too. Its going to be real hard for me to but it does scare me to think if he ever did hit me he is a muscular guy he would probably kill me if he did. :( Thanks to all of you for your wise information. And I know good advise when I hear it. I already knew the answer but dang it I was just hoping .

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I met someone and we been together almost everyday or at least talked on the phone. Its been like 3 weeks. The thing is he is very short tempered. I was suppose to go pick him up to go get a room together. His truck was being repaired. I walked in the door from work and my roommate was sleeping so I put my cell on silent.


He was calling but I didnt answer cuz I did not want to wake up my roommate. When I finally got my stuff together and left I listened to his mess. It said " Im at easy out burger if you are not here in F---- 15 minutes F you understand? And it you dont like the way I am talking to you then F off!. I was intears I couldnot believe he said that to me. He flys off the handle a lot. But Im so crazy about him and it sucks. How could I get him to be more respectful of my feelings?


Why do women always go for the "BAD BOYS?" He will never be respectful to you if you accept it even one time! (you already have and it is problably too late) There is no way to make him be more respectfull, he has shown his true self already to you and you are still there??? That is nuts! He will problably end up beating you after a while if you dont "obey" him. Do you really want that??? I want to smack him upside the head right now for you and then tell him he is outta here with his fat lip! you dont deserve this treatment, no respectable person does, Right??? right! please blow him off, for me, please.

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I hate to think he would ever hit me. Although I did check his record out and he has been arrested for assualt with a deadly weapon. I am not sure if it was a girl he did this to or what.


Its just so sad because he is so nice most of the time and we have alot of fun together too. Its going to be real hard for me to but it does scare me to think if he ever did hit me he is a muscular guy he would probably kill me if he did. :( Thanks to all of you for your wise information. And I know good advise when I hear it. I already knew the answer but dang it I was just hoping .


People think abusers are all evil. They are not. They are usually Jekyll/Hyde combinations - part very good, very nice, and part really awful. It's too bad you can't keep the nice but it comes with the horrible so you can't.


But an arrest for an assault? :eek: Did you honestly think that was something that could be glossed over and ignored?? Yikes, girl!!!

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