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How do i take this?

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i like a girl atm who i work with, we dont work together or sit near each other because she works in her own group/area but when we get the odd chance we spend time together.


were both 18 and shes been single a long time now just as i have.

i have the feeling she likes me by the way she looks over sometimes and spends time with me but im not totally sure..


i can only really be comfortable talking to her when were alone as i tend to be the shy guy, today though i went for it and i don't know how i should take this.. i don't know where i stand..


i said "can i have your msn addy", she goes "yea if you want, im not on it that much tbh" and i was like "ah its aright then" (no idea why i said that).. then she goes "i thought you said you didn't use msn that much" then i went "yea yea i do" and then another co-worker walked in and we both went quiet-ish. we never really spoke about that again the rest of the day and she didnt say much (but then she was busy working) so im totally confused.


what happened was.. ages ago before this happened i said i didnt use msn that much out of the blue when we sat together at the computer (this was whilst she was signed in on msn, i saw it on the monitor), no idea why she was on msn at work, at the time she said "theres never anyone to talk to online" (there were a few people online though), she just sorta popped on then signed off quickly. this might have been a hint at the time for me to ask for her msn idk.


but what gets me most is.. she remembers my comment from ages ago "i dont use msn much" and she said today.. "i thought u dont use it much". i mean isnt that unusual she remembers me saying that?


so in nutshell i asked and she said yes i can have her email.. but at the end of day i didnt get her email, what should i do now? ask again?

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this is a tough one..


it is quite unusual that she remembers you don't use 'msn' much.

its like shes is testing you.. but in her thoughts shes asking 'why didn't you ask for my msn ages ago and ask now?'


has she acted differently recently? if she has then something is on her mind.. either she is shy because she knows she has to take the lead or shes lost interest.. if she acts the same then it didnt effect her that much..

it sounds like you shot yourself in your own foot with this one tbh..


i hope she carries on flirting with you or spending time with you..

just act like you normally would but slowly drift away from her.. she'll realise shes losing your interest and get worried shes losing you. i don't want to be mean but that might be the only thing you can do. she should really ask for your msn, you made the effort to ask.. all she has to do is slip a note to you with her email on it and if she hasnt.. her loss really.


dont completely ignore. like i said show your still interested but don't be around much either, makes her think shes done something wrong.

dont fall for this mind game/chasing game thing especially if she is messing with you. has their been any rumours going around about you and her?

anyone bringing up "has he asked you for msn?" behind your back? if not its probably safe to say shes keeping this to her self for the most part which is good. if she was loud it would of probably spread around the class by now. and i know for certain shy people only tell their best friend at most as they trust them to be quiet about it.


only time will tell what happens.. good luck!

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