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Hey everyone

I'm Steve, a new user to your wonderful community. I stumbled upon it a few days ago, I really don't know how. Anyway, the issue at hand is this girl. Not any girl, Alicia. ^_^ I've known her for 5 years, and we've been close on and off within that 5 years. I'm currently going to high school with her, and she's in my 5th period class. The beginning of this year, she wrote me a note saying she misses talking to me and etcetera, ( we hadn't talked in a while ) and gives me her number. We idly talk about every other day,and her friend ( why she asked is beyond me ) asked me if I like her.I got kind of a quiet reaction afterwards.


She calls me alot. One day walking home with her a buddy of mine came up behind me and talked me into her, and us into a bush. I grabbed her ass on the way down...this wasn't an accident, and she was aware of it ^_^ I made the mistake of giving her my msn address, and we talked that night. She told me she liked it ( Score, right? ) and hinted towards wanting more. The big issue I guess is how do I separate her being silly and a friend and her really liking me? Also...I need to know how to talk to her. When I see her, my heart spikes and skips beats. My palms sweat, and I grow short of words. Thanks in advance for all the help! God bless




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