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Getting Mixed signals

Guest (LVIS4ever)

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Guest (LVIS4ever)

So before I start typing Im pretty sure this might be a lot to read. Im gonna try to leave nothing out.


I've been working for this companyX for a number of years now part time, im a student at a large university, and Im 1 semster from graduating. Anyways, there was this girl named Mandy at my work who has always wanted go out and date and shes real cute, but her personality wasn't my taste. Don't get me wrong, im sure she will make some guy really happy someday but i didnt think it was gonna be me.


So I find out she's quiting her job here and moving to another state. The weekend before she leaves I ask her if she wants to go out to dinner with some of my friends. She agrees and ends up bringing a couple of her friends/roomates. Well the next thing I know Im talking to her roomate Leah for a while and find out we have way too much in common. Anyways before we leave the restaurant that night Leah tells me we should hang out and go play some golf or poker (since thats what we like to do). So i agree and say "yea for sure...ill just get your number from Mandy before she leaves". The reason i didn't ask for her number was because Mandy was right there and I felt it would be just too weird.


A couple days go by and I have coffee with Mandy before she leaves for good. She mentioned that Leah and I has so much in common and she asked if I wanted her number. I thought that was cool b/c i wasn't sure how i was gonna ask her for her number. Anyways she also tells me Leahs got a boyfriend and she just left for a cruise with him. That was a bit of a shocker, but I still wanted to girl her a call.


A week goes by and I call her up last min to see if she wants to go hit some golf balls. She says yes and I end up hanging out with her for a couple hours. When we were all finished I asked if she wanted to play some golf this weekend, so she tells me to make a tee time.


So we end up playing golf that weekend. She finally tells me about her boyfriend. She tells they are in a long distance relationship and shes not sure how much longer she can take it BUT that he might move here to be with her. Afterwards we go have dinner together and just talk a lil more.


A few days go by and we see each other on Campus. She tells me shes gotta work tonight but asks if i want to hang out after words and maybe go to the driving range. I tell her to call me and she ended up calling that night but said she was too tired from work and that we should go another night. That night I get a friend request from FACEBOOK.com from leah. Im not sure if everyone knows about facebook but its like myspace for college students. I texted her right then and she replied that she figured I'd be on there. i was like wtf but thats cool.


Another couple days and I'm in the parking lot on campus and I spot her getting out of her car but I act like I don't see her and park far away. Well she ended up seeing me and we walk together for a bit. She tells me her boyfriend is coming into town on short notice because he's on fall break, but she was like "ive never heard of fall break". To me it just seemed like she didn't want him coming to town on such short notice. Anyways, we see each other out of class again and she asks if I wanted to go to dinner with her and her friend b/c she owes her friend dinner. I just told her to call me. Well we end up talking to each other online and she asks if I wanted to come over and watch the OC with them. I asked her if she still wanted to go to dinner and she said her friend is still studying so she want sure. So i asked if she wanted to go just the two of us. I end up picking her up from her place and we go to a bar where she likes to go. Talk for a while, play some video poker, and then she askes if I want to go watch Lucky # Sleven (which i must say is a great movie).


We go back to her place and start watching the movie and start having a couple drink but nothing to get us tipsy or drunk. Her bf ends up calling and she tells him shes hanging out with me (so he must know of me) but that her friend is here too. Technically is not a lie because her friend did come over later. Her friend ended up coming over just in time for the OC. We end up watching the OC, Greys Anatomy, and Laguna Beach before her friend decides to go home. I was getting ready to go also but she asks if i want to stay and watch the rest of the movie we started. So i end up staying for another hour before I jet.


I must say the last hour alone together was a bit weird b/c i wasn't sure how she felt about me. I mean we were sitting right next to each other on the couch but i didn't want to make a move in fear she only wanted to be good friends. So before I leave she asks if i want to play golf with her and her b/f this weekend. I was thinking wtf? but i said yes just to be nice, even though i know i was gonna bail on them. But anyways the weekend went by and she never called and i believe her bf just left today.


I guess im just wondering where our relationship stands? Just friends or does she want to be more. I really enjoy hanging out with her that if she just wanted to be friends I can see us being pretty close. I don't even have as much in common with all my guy friends. Another thing is that if i were her bf and she was hanging out with a guy alone she just met, I would be mad.


Btw this all happened in the last 3 weeks. I was typing real fast and i have to jet so there are probably a lot of type'os and stuff. sorry in advance!

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Sounds like at first she had romantic interest in you. I would say that now that you have not made a move you are in the friends zone. Inviting you to go play golf w/ the b/f more than likely equals friend zone. I can't see anything that you have really done to perk Leah's interest. Most friends have lots of stuff in common and that looks like where you are. Sorry.

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