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does my friend like me more than a friend?

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So I've known this girl for a few years. When we first met we hung out a lot, then slowly i just grew distant and eventually transferred to another Uni. but aside from that we speak/hangout maybe 4x a year?


Almost a year ago, i heard she and her cousin moved into this new place. I never had a chance to get to their housewarming party, so i called her up when i was free to check the place out. She was out that day and said she would call the following day. What was weird was that she called me in bed and said I was supposed to call her (i said, "no...you were supposed to call me.") and told me no one was home (or i asked her who was home), the way she said it over the phone kind of hinted she wanted me to come over for sex. I wasnt into her so i dismissed it and i had dinner later that day with her cousin and her.


A few weeks ago I called her up inviting her to get together with me and some friends. Well my friends ditched and it was only me and her. It was like old times, I was kidding around about being in a bad neighbordhood, and she began saying stuff about holding hands and running together. Later that evening, she mentioned stuff about how I'm the guy and how I'm supposed to have a car (to drive her home, she lives an hr away from me).

I dont know if this has anything to do with her ideal mate...but she was telling me "you know the ideal guy for any woman is some old 80 year old rich man."....So i kind of shoved her away and said "no golddiggers here." (well thats how we get along by messing around)


I find it weird that everytime we meet up she always tells me she doesnt have much friends, what's that supposed to imply? And everytime she says that I always tell her to stop lying she has a lot.


So a week later, i got a call from her telling me she had a good time that day among other things, and said to let her know if anything comes up (in terms of hanging out).


Im confused, because I dont want to hurt her and at the same time I would prefer a FWB situation. I wouldnt mind going to watch movies with her or hanging out on a continuous basis but I dont want to give her the wrong idea.

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because of ur history wit this girl i tink a FWB situation wud jus confuse u both and yes she seems to be very much into u

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