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Crazy about a gay man

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To cut a long story short. Been friends with this guy for a few years now, started feeling something more than just friends with him for a little while. We always flirt and play around but one night we were out drinking with a group of friends and he kissed me.


Not just a quick peck but a quite extended pashing/feeling up session. He told me me all this stuff about how he likes me and what happened between us was up to me. I was of course excited about all this but come Monday he was like "im gay, i was drunk, didnt mean for it to happen!" I am so confused. What does this all mean? Should I just leave it be, or pursue this?

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"im gay, i was drunk, didnt mean for it to happen!"


That's all you need to know, sweetheart. Run, run far away from this one.


From someone who has been there, done that.

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You will never EVER get this to work. He's gay. Accept that and move on. You're not going to "change" him. He was drunk and not thinking clearly. Please don't read more into this than what it was.

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