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...some insight

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I need help with a friend of mine, I get signs from him that he likes me more than a friend. We are always goofing off and just having a lot of fun together. The past couple of times we have gone out with other friends, he has made a comment when my phone rings "it's your boyfriend calling" or something along that line about my boyfriend calling me, I just tell him in a playful mood to shut it or I don't say anything at all. Is he trying to see if I have one? If not, then why does he say this? I don't think he says this to anyone else.


Last night we were at a party and having a great time, and at times he was standoffish with me, until I got him up to dance, which he didn't fight it. At one point in the evening I came back from the restroom and my girlfriend called me over to where she was sitting, which was next to him. When I came over to sit down she moved over so I could sit next to him, he stayed for a couple of minutes but then went into another part of the house. When he got up another one of our guy friends came over and started talking to me and my girlfriend and when my friend came back into the room I noticed that he was looking in our direction a few times. At the end of the night my friend was saying bye to everyone.....giving hugs and things like that but didn't say anything to me or even give me a hug. What is that about? I'm confused and I don't know if he really does like me as more than a friend. Alot of the signs are there that he does but every once and a while he does something like not telling me bye.


Any suggestions or advice?

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hmm i think he says its your bf calling because he wants to find out if your single, i think he likes you, if you know for sure hes been looking over at you and enjoys spending time with you then i think he definitely likes you :)


the part about him not giving you a hug or saying bye isn't always a bad thing, i mean it can make you feel like he knows everyone else but is ignoring you but really.. when im about to say bye to everyone and my crush walks out of the room i don't always say bye and if i do its not to her but to everyone.. might be a little mean i suppose but sometime guys dont want to make it obvious who they like, maybe he thinks that you are too good for him or that if he gives a hug you might reject the hug, maybe when he says bye he might get all nervous or something, i don't know. But what i believe is.. if someone treats you different to others its not always a bad thing.


for me.. the girl i like atm is maybe a little tomboyish i guess.. flirts with many guys and has more guy friends than girl mates.. but even though she isnt scared to stroke some guys hair and hug him in front of me she is not touching me for a reason.. not because she doesn't like me.. she speaks to me enough already.. it could be because we don't know each other well enough.. but also because shes scared that if she were to touch me suddenly she wouldn't want me to react badly to it, even admirers have to act like friends at first.

let the friendship build up and the time will come :)


don't give up though, i think this guy likes you, maybe try to drop some hints you like him and see how he responds.

good luck! :)

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