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me and older guy

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there is this man i like a bit more than a friend. he's about 15 years older than me. here are some of the things he does>>>>>>

-looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking (but i am)

-laughs at some of the things i say.

-talks to me about general stuff

-has his body pointing straight toward me when we are speaking and holds strong eye contact(politeness i think)

-and I've noticed lately that mutual friends have been bringing up stuff about him to me.just general stuff like whats going on with him and funny stuff he's done in the past.

although lately i feel he has been avoiding me because I've made it obvious that i like him. does this mean he doesn't feel the same?

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burning 4 revenge

Not necessarily. He might be avoiding you precisely because he feels an attraction to you.


There are many pitfalls and problems in an OM/YW relationship. I think our bodies are designed to much better sustain the opposite relationship, but our mind and emotions can find strong compatibilities across so many spectrums. It's just a shame that our material nature forces such draconian limitiations on us.

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