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What are my chances?

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So I screwed up big time. I did everything I could possibly do wrong.


I'm 18 years old and I met my ex on my first day of University in September. We were dating within a week. At first everything was great but then I started to get annoyed by the lack of time we were spending together. I ended up breaking up with him after a little less than two months because of that reason. However, I called him back half an hour later and told him I'd made a mistake. After that he was pretty cold around me so I broke up with him again a week later.


The next time we saw each other was at a party where we both did everything we could to make one another jealous. Two days after the party I called him and told him I missed him and I wanted him back - he told me he wasn't interested. We saw each other a week later at another party where we tried to make one another jealous again. The next day I tried to call him again to ask him to get back together - again he said he wasn't interested. That night after I called him we went to the same club where I hit on him while I was drunk. He told a mutual friend that he was tired of dealing with me and that I was too flirtatious with other guys so he didn't want to get back together ever.


For a week after that we didn't speak to each other when we were in the same places. Then I sent him an email appoligizing for how immature I'd been, to which he responded that he understood and that there was no reason that we couldn't still hang out. After that we saw each other again at another party where he innitiated conversation with me and seemed very friendly. However, there is another girl that likes him a lot that he's been hanging around constantly.


It's been about three weeks since we broke up, and even though there are other guys who are interested in me I can't seem to forget him. I know we both really care about each other and that he is still attracted to me - but do you think there is any chance that he would be interested in trying again?

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Difficult to say =/


If you had changed your ways to meet the ex's expectations, you might have a chance. But I rather not encourage it.


I had a few of my ex's in my past that had been quite flirtarious with other men... but most of those relationships did not last longer than 6 months unfortunately because of how much I grew quite jealous over the whole situation. They tried to change their ways to impress me, to get back with each other but that soon failed and it hurted us both emotionally and mentally.


So we stayed as friends and it turned out for the best.


Chances are that in my opinion you are better off moving on with your life. If this ex of yours is willing to be your friend, be content and go with that. Chances are of the second relationship with your ex might not work out and be the same as it was before. And worse comes to worse, you might lose that friendship if you had gone back with him the second time unless you two really had made it work.


I tried with one my ex-girlfriend's before, the second time I had a relationship with her ended in great tragedy within 2 months later after a 8 month relationship. So I had little choice but to cut my losses and stay as friends with her but that in the end... drifted apart and you could say we left each other in the end.


The trouble is though, if you find your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend had moved on with another person in their life. You just have to try and accept it, be supportive and move on. You might never know that the person you first loved might come back but chances of that are rare.

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Hi there,


I have to agree with most of Mr. White Knight said. You are young, just starting college and have the whole world in front of you Your best bet is to move on. The only things I would add are the following.


First, you may want to do some soul searching in order to find out why your first response is to play games (i.e. flirting with other guys in order to ge attention). Is this a defense mechanism or is there some deep seeded insecurity you may have.


Second, in order for a second chance to work, rea;ize that in every relationship you have to be willing to not give up at the first sign of trouble. You have to stick in there and communicate, especially when things get bad.


I wish you the very best in school and with your current situation.

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Second, in order for a second chance to work, rea;ize that in every relationship you have to be willing to not give up at the first sign of trouble. You have to stick in there and communicate, especially when things get bad.

Great advice.

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