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Ready to take a leap of faith

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well me and my g/f broke up about two months ago, well the truth is she broke it off because she felt it was getting really serious and she was going to be moving out of state and she didn't want it to be hard for us to leave each other when it came time for her to leave, well about a month and a half went by and we didn't talk; other than the casual hi and bye, and then all of a sudden she begins to call me and come over to my house and hang out and watch movies, we would also go out and do things just like old times, we started to get really close again, after about a month of us hanging out she told me that she was going to leave in about two weeks, so we started spending more time together, then about three days before she left we had the talk about what we planned for the future, she told me that she didn't want a long distance relationship and that theres no way we could have a healthy relationship with us being in different states, she said that she knew that she was totally contradicting herself by saying that it was hard for her to say goodbye and still want to be around me all the time, well she gave me her new address, her email, her home phone number, and told me to call her anytime and that she would like to keep in touch because she loved talking to me and that she still had feelings for me, so at this point i pretty much made up my mind that i am not going to let this one go; because first of all it feels different than any other g/f i've ever had, i dont think i can honestly say that i have felt for anybody the way i feel for her...when she left it was very emotional, we both cried, and i didn't say goodbye because i told her that i'm not the type of person that says goodbye because i don't believe in goodbye...and that once you know me i dont let you go just cuz your not around.....when she drove off i told her that she would see me again and that i wouldn't leave her life....she kinda cleared her nose and wiped her eyes and looked at me and said okay...then she left....its been three days since shes left and i've talked to her every single one....i'm in college and i graduate in december...so as luck would have it i believe theres something i can do about this...so i've kinda decided about a month ago that i was going to follow her, so i've already started to save my money and plan on saving more, i'm going after what i need and its so scary because i dont know what the future holds but at the same time i'm excited that i'm actually willing to take a leap of faith...when in the past it would have never crossed my mind....but times change and people change....so any ideas on what i should do....i'm pretty sure when i show up at another state i'm going to have to have a plan...not asking you guys what to do...just asking for some ideas...like things i could do in the next two months to show her that i'm still here...the more ideas the better...and maybe it will help me...i've already decided what i'm going to do...so any help would be great...

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Hey- sorry to hear about your dilemma. Having been in this exact situation, I would advise you to think very very carefully about whatyou really want to do.

I have moved TWICE for guys- both times to places where I knew nobody. The first time was OK cos even though me and the guy didn't work out, I had a great social job which meant I met lots of new people. And the guy and I remained friends.

But the second time, I moved in with the next boyfriend to come along. I moved to his small home town. When things ended there I was devastated. All the friends I had made were his friends. The job opportunities weren't so great, so I was stuck in a job I hated, was single and alone, with my family thousands of mile away. And it was really really crap. I got through it eventually, and am stronger because of it, but i wouldn't wish it on anyone!

So to avoid this- please assess all your options, and be prepared for the possibility that your ex GF prob doesn't know what she wants either, and it might not be you.

Sorry to be so negative, but i wish someone had given me this advice before!

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thanx.....i know i've thought about it for a while now....maybe the last 5 or 6 months...i kinda always knew that this was going to happen...but i just recently in the past three months gotten really serious about it...so much so that its going to happen...i'm scared....but i could never live with myslef if i didn't try....you never win if you dont play.....

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i have talked about it with her...but i dont think she believes that i'm serious...i believe that she believes that she's taking harder than me...and that i really dont care about her as much as i say i do...but i will be talking to her about it more.....i know i have to be prepared for things not going my way but i'm not going to shy away from my feelings...i'd rather hurt...than to wonder "what if" u know.....

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