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i just asked my friend out

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ok just a few hours back i sent my friend a message saying " will you go out with me" she replys back with


"erm. i would say yes. but atm harvey i think we are better off as friends. as much as i love you, i dont want to rush into things. and i think that you probably think you fancy me cos we are such good friends. i dont want to ruin that. perhaps we should see how things are between us over the next couple of weeks first"


this girl has been sending me messages that she loves me and commenting my pictures on myspace saying "fit as ****" to me these were the obvious signs that she liked me and we had been flirting for over 2 months.


i really need help because i am crazy about this girl.

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I don't understand that bit about waiting a couple weeks - what is going to change in a couple weeks?


She said she thinks you only like her because you're friends? Do you compliment her and tell her you think she's hot, in the way that she does on your myspace? Do you ever look her in the eye and tell her she's beautiful? Maybe she doesn't really think you are attracted to her?


I would write back and tell her that her message tells you that she's not really interested in dating you and that's fine. Tell her you don't understand what could possibly change in a couple weeks and that makes no sense to you. Tell her you won't bring up the subject of dating again. If she changes her mind, she'll need to let you know.

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