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should i be bothered by this??

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so basically me and my boyfriend have been together for 2.. almost 3 years now and we spent the majority of our relationship long distance.. now i moved for college and im in the same town he is in... right off the bat he spent the night every single night and we spent every day together.. and just recently he wants to exercise with his sister every so often a week so that we have time away from eachother so we arent together every waking moment

but my problem is..


the relationship between him and his sister...

i know i can never ask for him to choose his family over me but i think there are some boundaries that need to be set... his sister is 16 and we are both 20

basically.. whenever i go to his house on the weekend usually and we go somewhere.. he constantly has his sister come with us pretty much every where we go.. to the store.. when i go with him to work.. to the mall.. just random things to do and his sister is always with us.. i love his sister to death i just dont think she has to be with us every time we hang out..

and i really feel like people in the public probably think they are the couple...

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ha this reminds me of that friends episode where the one chick is dating a dude way too close to his sister.


I think you should be a bit bothered, a couple does need some alone time.


Just tell him that you want private time with him and that his sister doesnt need to come along every single time.

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