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How to think of her as a "friend"?

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I had met an online friend who is a girl last December. At first it seemed like there was a spark between us. We have a lot in common, like certain things. However, we are about 1hr apart from each other. Not much of an LDR you say, but in my opinion, it is. Anyways since then, I have really liked this girl.


For almost a year now I have been attracted to her. We never got the chance to meet (although she wants me to go out with her friends this December). What's bothering me is that I never had enough guts to ask her out. Now I am faced with jealousy by the friends she hangs out with at her school and other guys she meets online.


I know I have no right whatsoever to tell her to ignore them.


What can I do to overcome this jealousy?


Yes I do want to go out with her, but it seems like she has someone else in mind, perhaps another guy in an LDR.


It also seems like she just wants to be "friends" but I just can't overcome my "obsession" with her. I mean, its been a year and I've been obsessed (not overly) with her. Everytime I come home and sign onto a messenger I see her name there and my heart just skips a beat whenever I hear or see her name. We even talked about how next year when I head off to college (college I want to go to is about 10 min away from her, funny eh?) she wants to hang out and such.


How do I think her as a "friend" instead, not a person that I want to have a relationship with?


Thanks for the help everyone!

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Hanging out is different from dating. If the two of you were going to date, one of you would have made a move by now. If you're jealous of her other friends and relationships, you're too involved with someone who is not as interested in you.


Turn off the computer and meet some girls in your town. Or wait until college and meet girls there.

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