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Second chance, or not ?


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Right now, I'm dating an XBF; but not exclusively. We broke up over 3 years ago and recently began communicating via email. Since our reconciliation, we have taken two major trips together. The first trip was to a weekend getaway to a spa resort. The second trip was a 4 day cruise to the Carribean. Sex has definately been included.


I don't have a boyfriend. He says he doesn't have a girlfriend. But he does have an XGF, besides me, who still communicates with him. Me and this XBF seem to get along perfectly except we have arguments over me not commiting to him. He has told me more than once that he wants a monogomous relationship with me. The reason that we broke up three years ago is because we dated exclusively for over a year, long distance. He was dating other people; I wasn't. When I found out, I dumped him because it was a double standard.


Now, I don't care that he dates other people becaue I'm also dating other people. There are things with this XBF that I haven't found with other guys, mainly great sex. That's why I'm okay with having him in my life. The truth is, I don't want to have a serious relationship with him because I can't trust him. He won't accept that. He has given me an ultimatum: Be his girlfriend, or nothing at all. He says he loves me too much to allow me to let other men touch me. He wants me all to himself.


I'm happy with everything in my life. I don't want to change anything. I like all my friends, male and female. Deep down, I hoped that one day, this XBF would come back to me for the past three years. I missed him. Now he's back, and a lack of trust is preventing me from having him. I don't want to get hurt again. But I don't want to lose him again.

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If something is telling you that you can't trust him or shouldn't be exclusive with him, then you should probably break it off with him so that you can spend time finding someone who you can be those things with...

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