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I'll stick to basics but just wanted some feedback. I was "seeing" a married man for awhile, a long while. A lot of the things happened that occur during an affair. I am not married. Well, wife finally got suspiscius and the MM ended it this last Sunday. Yes, it was heart wrenching. Promises made. things said and done. Typical things with having a relationship with a MM. My questions is even though wife has suspiscions, what do you all think of wife getting a phone call confirming those suspiscions?

WOUld you rather know than live with those suspiscions? What do you recommend?

Thanks forthe feedback?

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Maybe I am misreading this but it sounds like you are asking if it's a good idea to call the wife and tell her about the affair? Are you wanting to do this is out of spite for your MM ending things with you? If so, let it go. The only person you are really going to hurt is his wife and you've done enough in that department already. Back off and leave her be.

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Maybe I am misreading this but it sounds like you are asking if it's a good idea to call the wife and tell her about the affair? Are you wanting to do this is out of spite for your MM ending things with you? If so, let it go. The only person you are really going to hurt is his wife and you've done enough in that department already. Back off and leave her be.
UNLESS, are you trying to clear your conscience? Are you going to ask for forgiveness? Do you need this to be at peace with yourself?


If no is your answer to these, than your motivation is wrong.


I would also suggest not to get involved with any MM in the future......

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I am of the belief that motivation is not a factor. If the roles were reversed woudn't you wish to be told and have it confirmed that your spouse was cheating on you? This way the betrayed spouse has all of the information needed to make a decision whether or not the recovery of the marriage will be an option. Your motivation may not be pure but it does not matter. The fact is that you would be doing the right thing by informing and confirming the affair to the betrayed spouse.

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Actually, I think it does kind of matter.


It seems this chick is pissed off that the guy dumped her, so now she wants to go squeal to the wife. i find it hypocritical that *now* she is concerned about the wife, but before she wasnt?


Honestly, I think you have a lot of nerve. You should of showed your concern for his wife by ending it once you found out he was married and calling her then. Not waiting till he decides to dump you. Have some self respect. Do you think if you break up the marriage he's gonna come running to you? just stay away. I mean on one hand yeah she deserves to know, on the other hand dont act like you are doing this for anyone other than yourself.


If you do call her, dont act like youre doing it to be nice, but I guess in the long-run she does deserve to know.

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I did end it, a few months after we started. He came back, we got more involved. Believe me I have learned a valuable lesson. So I don't need any lessons in morals. There were things said that ther be could be a potential relationship. It wasn't after the fact that she became "suspiscios" that he wanted to end it. To be open, part of me wants to confirm, part of me wants some retribution. Also if I were the betrayed wife, I would want to know. She hassuspiscions, surely she has questions right? What do other betrayed spouses go through?

Thanks again!

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