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Do I love her or do I friend her?


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hey guys wsup...2 years ago this girl came into our class..she was really cute..and everybody was on her tail...i tried to get her but couldn't...so after a year we developed into close friends and we've recently become like brother and sister..she trusts me alot and we feel comfortable around eachother...I even don't feel any sexual desire around her...moreover..she has a boyfriend in another country and I don't feel jealous...


her birthday is coming up in a couple of days..and I went out to buy her a present...a nice necklace to remind her of me..and I have some words i wanna tell her when I give her the necklace... they are :


"Maria..I want you to hold this..and always remember me ..weather you go abroad to study..or I do so..or if anything ever happens to me..and we couldn't see eachother..I want you to look at this so you would never forget me"


while I was making it up I kinda felt like someday we are gonna be apart..and I kinda felt the "you never appreciate what u have untill u lose it" situation...I don't know if it's true friendship between opposite sexes..or deep emotional feelings..


any ideas..comments..opinions are appreciated..


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It sounds like you are actually friends with a girl, so good for you!


I think that the necklace idea is a nice one--make sure it isn't one of those romantic ones and isn't too expensive. Ask another chick for advice about that.


I would focus on not forgetting your friendship more than forgetting you specifically. Tell her that you are thankful for her friendship, and that it will always be important to you, that kind of thing.


It's a fine line, because it seems to me that in friendships like this the woman is waiting for/dreading the day when the guy admits he loves her. And you don't want to start that vibe if you don't feel it.

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Definitely a true friendship and a beautiful one at that. There is always a little bit of confusion because of the opposite sex thing but as long as none of you is physically attracted, friendship feelings can be as strong or even stronger than romantic ones.


I'm glad to have read this from you as I believe that's the kind of feelings my friend has for me.

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guess what :lmao: I gave her the present and she loved it !!! it was the best thing I ever done that made me feel good about myself towards a girl...I saw her in the schoolyard..and walked with her up to the class room...and on the way we weer talking about where we've gone outthe previous day...she talked then i said..that i went out to get her a present and I'll show it to her upstairs....so we put our bags in class.....and i told her come outside let me show you...so we went to a corner and i stuk it out..she was normally like "aww that's soo sweet of you huney" but it wasn't out of her soul....so i took her hand..put the necklace in it..and closed it with my hand..and while holding her hand and looking in her eyes...I told her what I had in mind


"maria..I want u to hold this..and keep it forever..weather you go study outside or I do..or if anything ever happens and we couldn't see eachother..I want u to look at this..so that you'd always remember me" ( and I stressed the (always)


before I finished speaking she said my name in a crying manner and hugged me :o ....I felt really really good about myself...I also realised that I do consider her one of my close friends...and I cherish every moment I spent with her and every time she's around me...


thanx for the guys who posted ther opinions...if anyone would like to add anything ur all welcome :)

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