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trying to understand

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Ok, so I have been working for my new job for about 4 months now. There is this really hot guy there and we started chatting by IM at work one day. We talked for maybe a week or two and he asked me to join him and a couple of other people from work for a drank one friday. So I went, we had a great time he was really nice and then you guessed it one thing led to another. I ended up going home with him, we fooled around and then we almost had sex and he stopped it. He said it just wasn't right. Which he was right about that; and me of all people am not one to go home with someone not even knowing who they really are. but we really hit it off from the start. So I still stayed the night and he said the next morning and I quote "I enjoy kissing you; you are a great kisser; You feel so good to hold and you are so pretty". He held me all night and into the morning and even in the morning he was kissing me and we fooled around a bit then too. (non-drunk).


So Monday morning comes and it was really weird at first but he made things comfortable and he took me to lunch to make sure I was feeling ok about everything that happened. Also, to see if there was anything that I wanted to talk about that had happened that night. So we continued flirting and talking for about 2 weeks after that and then all of a sudden things just stopped. He no longer talks to me, looks at me, and acts like he doesn't even want to see me. So I confronted him and asked him did I do something wrong or if there was something bothering him that he wanted to talk about, of course he said that everything was fine. I don't believe it. All in a 3-4 week spand I never had anyone make me feel the way he did.


For some reason I am really attached and he wants nothing to do with me (atleast it seems that way) and it is hurting like hell. I don't know what to do. Should I quit my job or should I give him the cold shoulder as well? I think that he realizes talking to me could risk his job and he could not afford that. Which is fine but I still would like to know something? and when I think about him he still turns me on...WHAT SHOULD I DO???????

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There's no need to quit your job. If you quit your job every time a pseudo-romance/fliration goes bad, you'll never be able to pay your rent.


Just chalk this up as a learning lesson - never ever ever fool around with people from work, especially after an evening of drinks.


Just forget it happened and move on. If he's ignoring you, then ignore him. Find guys to date outside of work.

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