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Would you take his word for it?

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I love my fiance to death and he loves me too, we've had fights and problems before about a "friend" of mine. I don't talk to her often anymore because she's a big flirt and I try find every excuse under the sun to avoid me & my partner from seeing her.


Like I said, we've had fights over her before & he knows how I feel about her, he says he has no respect for her & that she just causes trouble between many couples but his actions speak louder than his words. She is the last person I would expect for him to tickle and wrestle on a bed with as he is only encouraging her to flirt. We had a massive fight last night about it and he walked home (10km) He says to me that he knows how I feel and he wont do it again. But he said that last time when he kept smacking her on the butt.


Has he learnt his lesson? I still have the doubt in the back of my head that we will fight about this again & that he will forget about what I've told him.

What should I do?

I love him so much

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Your fiancee is right - she 'causes' fights between couples - as is he. Playin slap & tickle with her says there's sexual tension there. Good friends don't flirt with your man - or get physical with them. Jettison one of them for good.

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