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I dont know

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My boyfriend of 2 and a half years just broke up with me because he thinks I cheated. He went out of town to visit his mother and my roommate and I had a friend over. I fell asleep watching a movie with the other guy in my bed. I didnt do anything with him we woke up the next morning and he left and went home.


To make matters worse I am pregnant with my exs child. He wants to be there for the child but says he cant trust me and wont be with me. He wants me to prove to him I didnt cheat, I just dont know how to do that. He wants me to take a polygraph but I am not comfortable with that. I know that I would fail it because I am already stressed out and being pregnant and having wires hooked onto me would just make it worse.


Should I just let him go, or fight for him back? I love him with all that I am.

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Can you really blame him! dont mean to be harsh but spin the situation around, would you be comfortable you must ask yourself this?


If you love him and nothing really happened you must agree to solve the situation by doing whatever he feels right to convince him it was all innocent.


some things are worth fighting for, but you must try and think a bit more in future, the guy that slept in the same bed could have been a weirdo!

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Whew lordy!


If my boyfriend fell asleep with another girl in the bed I would believe him if he said he didn't cheat, because trust is all you have in a relationship, but I would go out, find the ho bag that thinks its ok to play sleepover with committed men and slap the everloveing crap out of her.


Your friend should have more respect for your relationship then that, as should you for that matter. What possible good could come from doing stuff like that? You own a couch, whats wrong with using it?


But why is your bf so quick to assume you cheated and break off a 2 year relationship with the mother of his child? Are there other things that have happened in the past that would lead him to not believe you? Is he haveing a hard time with the pregnancy?

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