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did this married jerk just want in my pants?

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I had been friends with a married man for a couple of years. I knew he was not happy with his wife and I knew he was really unhappy with her. Well I always thought that we would some day eventually end up together. He and his wife never had kids; she had two grown ones from her first marriage that were bad news. He used to ask me if I wanted kids and would say I'd make a good mom. He also told me he hoped I'd never marry anyone else. Well I am also a virgin and he knows that. Well the last time we talked he said we should "fool around" the next time we were together. I started to suspect that he just wanted to use me for sex and was never going to leave his wife- so I called him on it and said that I could never sleep with him as long as he was married but that I still wanted to be his friend. Well remember I told you how he kept asking if I wanted kids? Thats what made me think he did want to be with me- but after I told him I wouldnt sleep with him as long as he was married he told me he wanted nothing to do with me.

So my question to all of you guys is: based on his cold reaction; did that just mean that he had no intention of leaving his wife for me and he was just hoping to get in my pants? I think if he really cared about me he would have compromised and still remained friends with me.

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did that just mean that he had no intention of leaving his wife for me and he was just hoping to get in my pants?


That's usually what it means.

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not sure how good of friends you were... maybe he felt stupid that you turned him down and to save face he took control of the situation.


But you should not sleep with him, you definately made the right choice for yourself. Look to someone else to fill the void that he may be leaving in your life, he is not worth it.

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Is this the first married man who has hinted at his availability? You must be young.


Yes, this is the standard MM approach. They befriend you, tell you about their "horrible" marriage, lead you on a little, and hope that you fall into their arms. Then, after you do, they either disappear, or string you along for as long as you stick around - all the while they are still married and have no intention of leaving their wives.


You got played, but fortunately, you didn't get so sucked in that you had sex with him. Now move on, start dating single men, and forget about this creep. He is not your friend. Beware of MM who want to be friends unless they also want to introduce you to their wives.

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