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the Friendzone


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I'm new to this whole forum thing hopefully someone here can give me some advice on this.


So this past weekend I was over at a friends house. we had called a few other friends and invited them over to watch a movie. well about half an hour into the movie I got a call from an ex-friend's ex-girlfriend (long story) she said she wanted to see me. I could tell she had been drinking from the way she was talking.


It was a little unusal for her to call me up but we went to partys together so I thought nothing of it. After the movie we headed to the party. when we got there almost everyone was drunk except for 3 people that didn't drink. As i'm walking in the door she greets me with a big hug. this took me for a loop but I Assumed it was a side effect of the alcohol. We talk for a while as I made a drink. She told me how hard work had been and how she really needed a back massage.


being a nice guy I agreed to give her a back massage. so after a twenty minute massage she let me know how wonderful it felt. I got up to make another drink while she went outside to smoke. when I get back to where the party is she is sitting on the couch that has 3 others sitting on it. I see her get up and head for the kitchen been drunk and playful. I sit down where she was. She came back with a drink in her hand and saw me in her spot. she set her drink down and proceeded to sit in my lap.


she started sniffing my shirt and complmented my cologne. I was shocked to say the least. we never had a very physical friendship so i didn't know what to think. We had gotten drunk together before but she had never just sat down in my lap.


I have not talked to her since the party and I'm not sure if she remembers all of what happened. should I go talk to her about what happened and find out if i'm out of the "Friendzone"?


Please someone help me

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I have not talked to her since the party and I'm not sure if she remembers all of what happened. should I go talk to her about what happened and find out if i'm out of the "Friendzone"?


Please someone help me


Do you want to get into her pants?

I havent the slightest clue what kind of relationship you and your ex friend's ex have.


Since nothing really happened, I say put it behind you and continue as things were if you want to preserve whatever relationship you guys have.

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Do you want to get into her pants?

I havent the slightest clue what kind of relationship you and your ex friend's ex have.


I don't want to have sex with her if I would lose her as a friend.

As for the relationship we have, well we used to only see each other at a party or when her ex brought her to my house. Although recently it has been about 3-4 times a week that I see her it's almost like she makes an effort to see me.



Since nothing really happened, I say put it behind you and continue as things were if you want to preserve whatever relationship you guys have.


As I said I wouldn't have sex with her if it would mean losing her as a friend. That does not mean I don't want to build a realtionship. I will addmit I am attracted to her and we do have alot in common. I'm not sure if she has taken me out of the "Friendzone" since I am not on good terms with her ex. I do see her more so maybe it is just that she is more comfortable around me then before.

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