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Giving Thanks ...

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What are you going to give, "thanks" for?


Will it be for materialistic reasons?


Will it be for spiritual reasons?


Combination of both? (my take)



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Well, I'm thankful for lots of things but right now I'm thankful every minute that my computer is freezing up, blowing up, falling apart or performing some sort of illegal action that will shut it down.


I am thankful that it remembers my passwords. I'm thankful that it automatically upgrades stuff for me. I am thankful that the AIDS virus hasn't infected my hard drive. I am really thankful that Google helps me find my reading glasses when I lose them. I am thankful to my homepage for letting me know how the government has screwed me each day.


I can remember when I got my first computer I had to reboot so many times I just automatically rebooted every ten minutes regardless. I can think of a few people I'd love to reboot.

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I give thanks on a daily basis for my blessings.


My savior

My health

My freedom

All my family and friends (including the friends on LS)

My caring personality

Knowing the difference between right and wrong in all aspects

The opportunities that I have had to better myself



Having a roof over my head

Having the opportunity to have a successful future

Having freewill

Not being negative and bitter toward others

That I found LS.:D


Ok, I am done.

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burning 4 revenge
I give thanks on a daily basis for my blessings.


My savior

My health

My freedom

All my family and friends (including the friends on LS)

My caring personality

Knowing the difference between right and wrong in all aspects

The opportunities that I have had to better myself



Having a roof over my head

Having the opportunity to have a successful future

Having freewill

Not being negative and bitter toward others

That I found LS.:D


Ok, I am done.

You're such a nice boy Riddler
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Man B4R, nice man, but thank you for the compliment. It took many years of self improvement but I am satisfied with how things are going for me.:)

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I give thanks for being alive and for my life finally taking a positive turn after feeling like I have fought an uphill battle since I was born.


I give thanks for great friends who have stood by me through thick and thin.


I give thanks for having a great woman in my life who has shown me what love really feels like.


I give thanks for a great career and for becoming very successful on my own.

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I'm thankful for days without anxiety.

I'm thankful for good friends and good family.

I'm thankful for a good job.

I'm thankful for wet nosings and head rubs from my kitty every morning.

I'm thankful for the few tragedies in my life and my (mostly) good health. :o

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What are you going to give, "thanks" for?


Will it be for materialistic reasons?


Will it be for spiritual reasons?


Combination of both? (my take)




I give thanks for my faith and the spirit.


I give thanks for the life I shared with my father and the lessons that he taught me. I give thanks that he no longer suffers and give thanks that I feel him with me almost every moment of the day.


I give thanks that there are people who love me.


I give thanks for the life that was gifted to me, and for each experience, painful or joyful, that enriches my soul.

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I give thanks for my health and happiness.

I give thanks for my loving family and friends who have loved me without fail.

I give thanks for finding my Fiance - Someone who loves and accepts me just the way I am.

I give thanks for my strength and spirit, and to those who look down upon me and guide and help me.

I give thanks for what I have learnt, and what I have achieved.

I give thanks for my the roof over my head, and the quality of life I lead.

I give thanks for my career and a 'reasonably' secure job.

I give thanks that I am still here to enjoy the wonderous journey that is life.

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I'm thankful for the news that I received a few weeks ago. Not only did it make me much more self-confident/cocky, but it also puts me in a good position now


I'm thankful that the major problems in my life are not really anything big compared to what others have to face


I'm thankful that for my relentless curiosity


I'm thankful for where I live. I complain about this location...from the weather to the people. But it's still an awesome place to live and there's a lot to do...and the beach is only a few miles away!


I'm thankful for the ladies that cut my hair. They always give me great haircuts like the one I just got. I often notice how people subtly treat me better when my hair is real short and gelled...its weird.


I'm thankful for Carl's Jr for introducing their new malt shakes!!! It's like crack!


And right now as I'm listening to this song, I'm thankful to Wojciech Kilar for making the soundtrack to Bram Stoker's Dracula...

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I'm thankful for my family, especially for the kids, who are a wellspring of love.


I'm thankful for my job, because I'm doing something I love and believe in, AND they're giving me money to do it!


I'm thankful for my husband, who decides each and every day to keep on keepin' on with me.


I'm thankful for my close circle of friends who make my days brighter and who take way the sting of pain when I'm hurting.


I'm thankful that cold weather has FINALLY hit Texas and it feels like fall. What a rush! The colors, the coolness ...


I'm thankful for being who I am, where I am ... God's given me a wonderful life.

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I'm thankful for Carl's Jr for introducing their new malt shakes!!! It's like crack!


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


"… introducing our new line of shakes … Chocolate crack attack! Ganja Malt! … only at Carl's Jr."

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i subscribe to the theory you reap what you sow. so giving thanks is really enlightened self-interest. you give genuine thanks and this tells the obliging universe you want experiences you can be thankful for. hey presto.


the flip side is that moaners and scowlers also reap what they sow and get experiences to moan and scowl about. when will they learn, eh?


good old universe.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


I'm thankful for the fact that despite my whining I have it pretty damn good. I'm also thankful I have four days to sleep in.

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I'm thankful for the fact that despite my whining I have it pretty damn good.

Because you're not on the receiving end.

I'm also thankful I have four days to sleep in.
Here's hoping your dreams are sweetly wicked.
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Happy thanksgiving to everyone!:)


I heard that the average thanksgiving meal per person is around 3000 calories.:eek:


I am thankful for my health and for the opportunities that I had been given and will continue to get to improve myself inside and out on a daily basis.

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Happy thanksgiving to everyone!:)


I second that! :lmao:


My family and I really have something to give thanx for this year...

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which is what?

that my dad's stoke was fairly mild and he came home from hospital on Wed. did you see the thread?

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that my dad's stoke was fairly mild and he came home from hospital on Wed. did you see the thread?


no i missed it,will check it out. I just remember reading you were looking for where you can get a cooked turkey from. But that is good news.

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