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My g/f and I are best friends, but are we just friends!?!?

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Background- my g/f and i recently broke up 4 months ago, we were at an all time down in our relationship, she called it off completely, or so I thought. We got back together and 3 months ago she told me that She liked it better when We didn't have the title of B/F and G/F. She said it was like we were together but we weren't and that we would flirt and play with eachtoher, I know it kinda sounds like bs, but when we were just friends during this time, it was like we were bf and gf w/o the title, we still kissed, hugged, hold hands, and have sex.


My g/f and I have been dating off and on for 3-1/2 im 19, shes 18 yrs, ups and downs like any other realationship, I kinda of lost my g/f, she was deeply in love with me and she was very passionate about me. We are currently working things out, things are OK I guess. About a year and a half ago she met this guy through a friend of hers, they did not know eachother but because of her friend they would hang out (all three of them).


My g/f became close friends with this guy, and in a way you can say he dumped his original friend(linda) for my g/f. This was at a time were my g/f and I were at a deep down point in our realtionship. She would always brag about this guy, about how funny he was and how much he made her laugh, that they never faught. If they did fight he would forgive her. At first I didn't think anything of it, but now I wonder. She talked more about this guy then she did about me, but I brought up this issue with my sister and she told me if something was going on that she wouldn't have mentioned or introduced her new "friend" to me, if she was trying to hide something.


I did meet this guy once, and she took me over to his house. She was very playful with him she would kinda of pick on him/flirt with him, I kinda got a "connection" vibe more then "just a friend vibe." The guy was nice, and invited me into his house. I didn't know anyone there, all of the people there were HER friends, and when she introduced me she would say this is "tony," not "hey this is my BF Tony." She introduced me as a friend. Now later on during their friendship she would come to me and complain about how much of an A*****e he was and that he was being a jerk, this kinda of went on for a while.


Now not too long ago, I say about 2 months ago she called me on the phone crying that they had got into a big fight and that they weren't going to be friends anymore. I asked her what happened, and she said that she confronted him asking him why he had been such a jerk lately, and that they started to argue and he grabed her by her wrists and constrained her to the wall. I then asked her WHAT would make him get so UPSET at you to make him lay a hand on you, she said IDK. Nothing really added up in her story, I think she left a-lot of things out and didn't tell me what really happened. C'mon doesn't that sound kind of funny, even if you were to leave everything else out of the picture, this kind of tops it off, WTF, what would make him so upset to lay his hands on my WOMAN?


I told her that I didn't want ther talking to him and she said that it was HER DECISION, I told her that him having this kinda of physical contact with her made it MY DECISION. I have asked her before about him, and if she felt for him more then a friend, she mentioned that he was just a friend, and she loves him and cares about him alot. I think I smell poop. They are now friends again and I know they hang out, I dont know how often. She tells me that im "THE ONE" she wants to spend her life with and talks about a future, but I dont know about her little friend. Please and thoughts on this, how would you feel about this is this was your gf/bf?

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Oh, she sounds so young and not ready for a committed relationship!


Yes, she's playing and teasing and flirting with the other guy. She also probably called him a jerk when he was either 1) not playing/flirting back as much as she wanted or 2) he was paying attention to another girl.


You are her bf, but you're also not her bf, in that she wants to have the freedom to play and tease with others...


I'm sorry, you might want to move on and find a girl who's ready for a committed relationship. I just don't see her as wanting that right now.

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sorry dude you're being played.


If it's not obvious by now you're in a open relationship with her, which means you get the same freedom as she does.

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I really don't know what to think, she has been really honest with me throughout our relationship so I don't know about the while "banging part." she had called it off a couple of months back, and she told me that she was undecided about US. during this whole breakup thing, she got drunk at the lake and messed around with one of her friends that she liked, she claims that all they did was make out. I'm the second guy she has been with sexually. The first guy it took him 6 months to get some and they were together for a year, it took me 3 months. So I don't "think" she would go that far, BUT you never know.


She did this when we were apart, and she didn't have to tell me about what happened, she called me crying and told me she was sorry like we were together. SO I guess I can give her some credit for telling me when she didn't have to and we weren't together. Besides the fact, maybe I could just be over looking the situation. In the beginning she talked about him a-lot not so much now, but she did kind of make it seem like they were BF/GF. They don't really talk as much as they use to be they still keep in touch.

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