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Women have strange effects on me

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I am not looking for a partner, I am already in a serious relationship. But when I meet certain women that I find attractive, my heart gives a jump, and I begin to stammer.. I become acutely aware of them and feel paranoid that they are judging me, etc. Or else I just give them the cold shoulder to avoid those effects happening. It's embarassing and seems childish.


I just want to treat them like anyone else -- What is wrong with me? I need to adjust this behaviour because my long term girlfriend is starting to notice it and feel bad. She is starting to think that I like other girls more than her, and although I assure her she's the only one I care about, my words don't carry much weight because I can give no explanation of my strange behaviour.

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What can I say? You're a guy who likes women.


Biological attraction is normal. You'll have to deal with it if you want to stay with this chick, or you can dump her and start dating more than one person.


Better to do it while you're young.

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its probably insecurity of some kind. I had a male friend who was just like you are and he wasn't even in a relationship already. If he was in a club and an attractive woman approached him and said something like "oh, I like your t-shirt" he would just totally blank them!! He wouldn't say one word, he'd just get up and walk away. I noticed him doing this a few times and asked him why he behaved so strangely around women (I thought he was gay or just didn't like women for some reason) and he told me that if a really gorgeous girl would talk to him, he feels scared to death. He said he couldn't really explain it because he dreams about talking to women that attractive and would love to have a girlfriend that beautiful but he feels somewhat inadequate when around girls like that approach him. Its a confidence thing for sure. He went to a life coach in the end and she sorted him right out. Brought out all his hidden fears and made him more confident. Now when we go out he's a nightmare!!! He just goes up to gorgeous girls and TELLS them that he fancies them. He would never have done that 2 months ago!!

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