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what do i do

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I met a girl about 6 months ago, IV seen her regularly since as friends, during this time she has dated different people etc... She’s also used me quite a lot for lifts and all sorts. When we are out she always walks round holding my hand and I know it seems to everyone else we are a couple. The problem is, IV grown feelings for her and im not sure what to do.


When she texts me now, she adds love you on the end, miss you and stuff like that.


The other night, I text her and kind of told her how I felt, and that I liked her to much to be just friends, hoping she would either start dating me, or it would end our friendship, at first she went a bit funny, then suddenly text me back saying, I love you.


The next day I got a text asking me to meet her, so I did, and she mentioned nothing about what we'd been texting or anything, just carried on as normal, then when we left each other, I text her again, saying is anything going to happen between us, or am I just a taxi for you?.


I got no reply, then the next morning I asked her what she was doing at night and she said " Seeing my boyfriend if he's free" :confused: . So I picked her up later that night from work, and the same again, no mention of anything.


She’s really out going an not shy so im wondering whats going on. Does she actually like me or is she just trying to keep me sweet for lifts and stuff??

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Why can't you talk to her in person? Why must you text all the important stuff? That's why you have no idea what's going on. You can't even talk to her.


Yes, if she has a boyfriend, she's using you as her back-up and for lifts and stuff. You should stop being at her beck and call whenever she needs a guy to do stuff for her. She has a boyfriend for that.


Move on with your life.


Next time you meet a girl you like, ask her out right away IN PERSON (no fricking texts!). Don't hang around and become her "friend" because you'll always end up as the back-up guy if you do that, while she dates other people.

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she hasnt currently got a boyfriend, but ur right, i gotta stop giving her lifts and stuff everywhere. She really takes me for granted. I just find it so hard because i like her that much :(. And im afraid if i stop, i wont see her as much.

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oh, and if i try and talk to her in person about it, she kind of changes the subject quick, that why we end up doing it over text messages, also the other day i said to her, if you arnt interested, just tell me, dont wory about hurting my feelings. But she just said, if i ddnt like you, i wouldnt have said id go out with you :s Then she comes out ith me and still acts as friends :s . I just cant workout if she does like me, or she just doesnt want to lose all the favours and things i do for her.


In a way, its ruining my life, because im waiting round to see if she wants to do anything, instead of going out with my mates, and im spending the money that i would be spending going out, on her.

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