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Is it worth waiting for ??

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Guys, All I've done is talk about this to my friends, but you know how it is... they tell you want you want to hear most of the time and you get more confused than ever.


I'm a bit down and out at the moment because I'm really confused. My ex and I were together for about 18mths. We have so much in common and have a hell of alot of fun together and the sex is unbelievable!

We are like best friends and have been totally honest since word go and we hardly ever had a fight. It was only towards the end that we didn't talk as much.


I was living with him and his family for this whole time. (I'm 25 and he is almost 26) so I guess that was my first mistake, I should have moved out alot sooner!

Anyway, we broke things off and I moved out cos we needed to spend time appart. It was full on from the word go.. I mean I moved in like a week after we were together.


Life went on we talked, but drifted... we both saw other people. He went away and realised that he missed me and I told him that I miss him too.

We talked about how much we still love and care about each other and maybe in time we can make it work, but slowly this time.


I was fine with that. About a mnth later we are spending time together.. yes and we are "friends with benfits" which we just can't help :o


Anyway in the last week it has really got me down cos we are both going thru our soul searching stage.

this is a snipped part of one of his emails




[FONT=Verdana]"Right now yes I do wanna work things out with you but there is much I need to work out within myself before I even consider another relationship and this is stuff I've been dealing with for a very long time.[/FONT]


[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana]If you can't understand where I'm coming from and don't wanna go down this path then I totally understand because the bottom line is I can't give a definite yes or no we will be together. However if that's the case then its probably best we walk away from each other because its just going to get too hard and complicated.[/FONT][/FONT]


[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Verdana]I'm trying to keep you in the loop as much as I can with everything but at the same time there is much I'm keeping to myself only because that's where I want it."[/FONT][/FONT]


Anyways I don't know what to do. I don't know if i should just continue the way it is and enjoy the fun times we have together.


cut the ties, which is something I don't and don't think I could do.


I'm confused!

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As long as he's confused and you're not a couple, you shouldn't be having sex. That's not helping you and is adding to the confusion. Besides, if he has your friendship and is getting sex, how can he miss your relationship? He still has you in the palm of his hand.

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