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At Home Exercises without equipment?

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Can anyone suggest some good at home exercises I can use to tone up? I don't have any equipment here, but am looking for some good tips I can do in my own home..

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Dynamic tension is good, it's tensing the muscles as if you were squeezing or pushing something that isn't there!

Push ups are great to tone the arms, upper back & chest. Actually better because the definition of physical strength is to be able to lift your own body!

Sit ups & crunches for the stomach & standing & bending side ways arching your right arm over & reaching your left arm down & vica versa!

Sitting on the floor & stretching your leg, 1 ata time & being able to put your, leg flat on floor, hand over your toes. Keep doing this until you can each day! This is good for flexibility!, i do it for football.


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You can always get one of those dance videos, Rumba I think it was that should be fun to exercise to and give you lots of energy.



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Dial around your TV. I'm guessing that at least a couple of channels that feed into your home have exercises you can do while watching. If you can't watch them when they're on, record them and use them later.

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