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waiting worth it?


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Ok so to make a long story short I just transfered to a new college from my old one and have become best friends with an amazing girl. We met in August and have been almost inseperable since. Well at first I was not sure how I felt about her. I later found out she really really liked me and she told me about it I replied that I was not sure on account of just getting out of a 2 year relationship but I told her I liked her back but just wanted to be safe. So a few weeks later I came out and told her that I wanted to be with her. She shot me down saying that she wasn't ready and wanted to take her time. Well last night I took care of her after a party and she was all over me saying that she was happy being around me and wanted to be with me but was still a lil scared. Well later on in the night being drunk she went and made out with a guy after she got mad at me for no reason. Now today she won't talk to me in person only by phone and texts she said she wants me to wait cause she wants to be with me and has be sure its whats best for her. Well I told her I would wait if she didn't put me through the make out stuff again cause when I like someone I am not chasing any other girls. She said she "what if a guy happens to come along?" Does anyone have an insight on this or am I just being blind.

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It is either she wants you or not. There shouldn't be a line like 'what if another guy comes along'. Either she wants to be with you or not. I wouldn't come off in a pressuring type of way, but make it known that she either wants you or not. If there are doubts, create distance between the 2 of you. By doing so, she may just realize how much she wants to be with you. A bit of reverse psychology. Good luck.

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Are you sure you want to be with her? You might want to think long and hard about this one. Like Mike said, there shouldn't be "what if another guy comes along" line. Doesn't sound like she knows what she wants right now.

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If she's asking "what if another guy comes along?", then NO, she is not worth waiting for.


When she says she's not ready and has to be sure what's best for her, she's not making up her mind about you. She's making you wait while she sees if there are any other guys she likes better first. If there aren't, then ok, she'll be with you. If there are, she'll be with them. And there could be a long string of "them" before she comes to you, IF she comes to you.


Start dating other women, preferably someone who chooses to be with you rather than making out with guys at parties who she thinks might be better than you.

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Good idea about not letting yourself get messed with. Someone who is willing to make out with some other guy because she got into a snit with you has some growing up to do.

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Good idea about not letting yourself get messed with. Someone who is willing to make out with some other guy because she got into a snit with you has some growing up to do.

agreed :)...

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Her own friends are getting mad at her for what she has done to me so I guess that says something.

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Her own friends are getting mad at her for what she has done to me so I guess that says something.

It is her actions that count here....not her friends' actions

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Yeah I understand that but I just meant they think she is stupid for treating me like she has. Would it be best if I left her alone for a while in hopes that she realizes that she lost her shot with me?

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Would it be best if I left her alone for a while in hopes that she realizes that she lost her shot with me?

It would be best if you left her alone forever and found someone more appropriate...

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Since she's not waiting around for you to make a move, as she's the one still 'exploring' her choices...you have absolutely no reason to stick around.

But then again you guys are friends, so i wouldnt be surprised about her behavior.


Would it be best if I left her alone for a while in hopes that she realizes that she lost her shot with me?


I think the only way that's going to happen is for it to be true. Which means you have to move on and explore your choices/opportunities with women, even the possiblity of a gf.


If revenge is going to make you happy, you're just cutting yourself short by staying single; so be on the lookout for women.

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Yeah it would be best to just leave her alone and move on to someone else who doesn't play games and doesn't use you as a last resort.


Go and find someone else. Trust us you'll be much happier then with this girl.

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