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A case of bad timing...Any hope for future?

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My name is Eddie, I am a recent college grad and I am 23 years of age. About 6 months ago I made friends with this girl Kyrstal. Her and I get along great and definitely have chemistry; it's definitely there for the both of us.


The issue is we don't want to make ourselves official because she is the ex of one my friends and we agreed it would make him feel miserable if he learned of us. The other reason is she plans to leave state for Grad school sometimes in the next year and a half or so and doesn't want any emotional ties to hold her down from leaving. We both have intense feelings for each other and have no qualms about hiding them. In fact, she told me I'm someone she would consider moving in with if things weren't so hectic. The both of us are struggling dealing with the whole post-college depression stage in our lives and basically, we just have really bad timing.


My question is if anyone has experienced any of this. I want to know if anyone ever got a chance down the line to fully realize a committed relationship with this person, or if it was just something you both moved on from and remained close friends. I just hope that this whole experience won't place a sour note on our friendship and will ruin anything for us down the road, if we even have that oppurtunity afforded to us. I know no one or anything guarantees it, but we just blend too well to not leave a shred of hope for us.


P.S. If yo have any advice on getting over post-college depression, that would eb great! Thank! :)

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