Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 Hi my name is Eric and about two months ago my gf and I broke up. we had a rough fight. For background info this was our first serious relationship. We both were immature, now i see that i stopped acting like that. After the fight i begged and cryed for a day. Then I fixed myself up. Now two months have passed and I have changed myself for the better. I see other women can see it to. So my ex gf, we broke up because she told me her feelings for me changed and she did not love me. I don't know it was another guy or not but i don't think about it no more. Well after the break up i acted maturely and treated her good. But all she did was tell me how good the other guys were, to make me jealous. I know it hurt a lot but i still wished her happiness. After that I had no reason to talk to her. So its been like two months of NC. The other thing is before the break up i wasn't that attractive because i was going through a rough time. Family problems left me bad. Basically she calls me I don't call her no more. I talk to her for 15 mins and we just laugh and then i tell her i have to go nicely. Lately i stopped doing it. She is more interested in girls in my life now. Is always asking questions when i don't even ask for the guys shes with. Then after a month i Intiated the no contact rule. I can tell u a exact thing wat she told me "hi Dumbass, wats up u don't pick up your phone anymore, I know your busy but hmm I'm so mad at you" I mean lol I just don't know why pick she realizing grass is not greener. Now that I look really good and don't care about her that much. Why does she wanna talk to me? I don't know why she is mad at me? That i don't call her no more, she is starting to treat me like her bf....? I'm so confused she wanted the space now i don't call her anymore why is it bothering her, since she told me she didn't love me anymore. Should I pick up her phone calls? Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 Well that gives some of us NCers some hope. The point of no contact , at least for those who want our ex's back, is the fact that after some space.. they may realise that they miss you.. and like you said .. the grass isn't greener.. and try to make a come back. To me she sounds immature, with the whole.. telling you about other guys thing.. but it looks like you've at least flipped the switch on her.. and now she's the one making the effort. Now its up to you to decide how you want to handle that. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 see thas the thing from wat i have learned so far. I have applied all the rules of NC and now i'm stuck to a point. I just can't make up my mind so thats why i made the post to help me out lol I mean i know shes immature i mean NC doesn't work till u meet other women. I get a lot of attention from other females and I have no problem with self esteem. Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 So what happens when you guys talk.. or do you even answer? Have you ever got any inclination that it's a reconciliation she's after? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 not really bro, when i talk to her shes more interested in bragging to me. Its a little annoying when i know its not all that she is trying to make it out to be. lol but the funny part is i ended it really good, so it will make her think for months from now I mean I told her once I know you will regret this when i'm gone. Silence is golden as they say. Best thing to do is make a myspace that she knows and make it private. It'll make her wonder. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 actually she is one of those confused first year college girl. Yes i do get the feeling, but either its 100% from her or nothing. Let her regret it and then come back to me. I mean i can slowly tell shes missing me by her phone calls and her messages. Before she use to tell me she didn't have time for me. Now i don't have time for her, so she crawls and tries to call all the time she thinks i'm avaliable. Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 Well it looks like you have her where you want her then.. If you were trying to make her come back and want you.. maybe you have suceeded.. whats your plan now? How old are u guys? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 tell you the truth i don't have her completely in my corner yet. But i know this much after she comes back she ain't leaving anytime soon. Right now i have competition thas why i went with NC. When she see's me that I phyically look like a model now lol and that i can tons of women its gona burn her up. Its the best way to crush your ex's ego, yes i know its evil but she ****ed with my head. Plus the guy she brags about to me is pathetic, never pay attention to wat they say. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 i'm 20 and shes 19 lol yes we r young but good thing i learned this much already. Basically I know shes coming back but for the wrong reasons. I want to show her the other side of the door. yes i know i can lose her but how can you lose someting u don't have. I do pick up her phone calls when i want to. But this NC thing is annoying thas why i come here and ask. Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 Oh, I wasn't going to say you were young, I just wanted to know. I'm 20 myself. I'm confused.. do u want her back or don't you.. ? I'm getting mixed messages.? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 I want her back for the right reasons. Right now she will come back only cuz of my looks...the tons of girls around me. Would you want that, i mean i'm waiting for her to tell me. If she doesn't its her loss. Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 Let me try to get this straight.. you want her to come back just because of your looks and because females find you attractive? What about her feelings.. why would you want someone who only wants you for superficial reasons. If that's the only reason she wants you back- let me say things won't last... looks what happens when u gain 5 pounds or get a new haircut that she doesn't like.. she'll leave again and then you'll change again to make her see what she's missing? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 sees thats the reason i backed off. Looks aren't everything, i mean it does help me when i'm down. But they won't help me get her back. I'm showing her what shes missing Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 But has she seen you or hasnt she- with your "new look" i mean... because if she hasn't, maybe her renewed interest in you is for the "right reasons"? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 20, 2006 Author Share Posted November 20, 2006 yeah you r right, but yeah its not really about my looks. Its about the new confidence i have gained. I mean it just feels like i'm on fire, lol look the thing is. I have confessed to her before that i love her. She told me she was confused. She told me she didn't love me or care about me. But everytime i left because thas what she wanted she told me she wanted to be with me in the future. But would treat me bad. I just got tired, sad thing is i still love her. I would take her back but don't know how. I mean i try to start my life but she comes back in. Acts like my gf. "tells me that I don't have time for her" but when i talk to her she just brags to me. All i want is for her to show a lil feeling Link to post Share on other sites
gonetildecember Posted November 20, 2006 Share Posted November 20, 2006 I hear you.. and i can definetly relate to the situation.. but she either needs to grow up and stop playing with ur head (calling you to brag about other guys) or one of you needs to see where you're at. it seems like your NC period did not reap any rewards except for she is now the one calling.. but its not like she's grown up or has made a decision about her feelings. things aren't clear to you.. so maybe you guys need some more away time.. or someone needs to step up and decide where your relationship (whatever it may be) is headed. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Eric102 Posted November 27, 2006 Author Share Posted November 27, 2006 okay i just talk to her two days ago, i called her up after a two weeks of not talking to her. She seemed very excited and she was like where the hell have u been. We made small talk and stuff and then i told it was nice hearing from her again. 5 hours later i get a text saying "it was nice hearing from you again, when r u so polite and formal?" lol i didn't reply back to the text but i did call her that night but she fell asleep by the time i called so is this is a good sign? Link to post Share on other sites
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