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I know its a bit weird of me to be asking this at my age (15yrs old), but, I will anyways. Theres this girl, lets call her, Jane. There was this project at school where we had to swap letters with someone you appreciate. So, I swapped with her. We've been friends about 4 yrs. So, Last night I open up MSN, and she tells me she has my letter ready. I open it up and iam shocked, because, it really was more emotional than I thought it would be. Here it is:

Dear, Mike, You’ve always been there for me, even through our many fights, arguments and debacles. You’re honestly one of the best friends I’ve ever had. You were always there with a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen. You’re smart, caring, humble, charming and not to mention incredibly good looking and don’t let anybody tell you any different ever, or maybe just until our next fight ;). Speaking of which, I feel incredibly guilty for most of them, for it was only because of my spazzing and you being there at the wrong place at the wrong time. And for all those oh so many times I was wrong and was too stubborn or ignorant to admit it, I’m sorry . But now we’re cool and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you, for everything. You were and probably always will my rock, my “something sturdy”, my sense of stability and most of all, my guide to common sense. And I just wanted to let you know no matter what happens or what I end up saying or doing to you in the future, despite it all, Mike, I truly love and appreciate you and everything you’ve done for me.


I don't know whether she likes me secretly, or, is just a really good friend. We always talk, and at one point or another she thanks me for everything.

I appreciate any advice.

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i will play the doubt side here...


letter seems like she thinks of you as a really good friend and nothing more. though she says she loves you, she loves you as a friend.


"And I just wanted to let you know no matter what happens or what I end up saying or doing to you in the future, despite it all, Mike, I truly love and appreciate you and everything you’ve done for me."

This line means that if she dates another guy, don't be mad at her and she will still love u as a friend. If she wants more than friends, you would surely hear from her.


well, I think you are well placed in the friendzone. good job and you will always be her rock to fall on when she gets dumped by some guy. :lmao:

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You’re smart, caring, humble, charming and not to mention incredibly good looking and don’t let anybody tell you any different ever, or maybe just until our next fight ;).

Hmmm...mixed signals indeed, lol. Flip a coin, you might have a chance here.

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