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I know she did this to piss me off and what can i do to get her back!

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Lol yes she does but he is so not my type.

but maybe he would be your type after six wine coolers?? I mean, you don't need to have intercourse with him. Oral would be enough to do the trick. What you think BB94?? :lmao:

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You know what they say what you do to someone else alls comes back 10x worse on you. Dont play with fire because you will get burnt. No never loved her i know he didnt because if he did he would still be with her and marry her. I was told for a source that is close to the kids mother that she used to cut holes in the condom to get pregnant that is how sick she is and it worked. He was with her for 3 weeks and she got pregnant on purpose. He stayed with her through her pregnancy because he stood up for his responsiable but once the baby was born he left and started dating me. And she couldnt deal with that fact so she tried to kill herself to get his attention when the kid was in her care. Thank god for her oldest daughter or the baby probably would have starved to death because she wanted attention.


So why was this saint of a man sleeping with her in the first place.

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OMG...:eek:you sound like the 11 year old! Everyone involved needs to grow up and dad here needs to take responsibility!


I'd keep my kids away from you. Wow...the choices he's made in women!


I have to agree with you. Too bad noone can call child abuse hotlines, because this certainly qualifies. Let's torment a defenseless child. :sick:


With such an attitude you are just waiting for lethal disaster to happen.

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She is already mad and jealous or she wouldnt be behaving in this manner.


You need to grow up and think of the kids involved and not your childish need to play tug of war with his ex, sheesh.


Put on your 'big girl' panties and ignore her. Focus on the children and your R with him. Not her R with him.

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Put on your 'big girl' panties and ignore her. Focus on the children and your R with him. Not her R with him.


And forever she will have a R with him. I think this is what bothers you most. The fact that even if you two should part, they still have to communicate at the very least.


Stop playing games and get over her. NEVER play these games with the kids, it's cruel on your part.

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I almost choked on my lunch. That is just despicable! You should be ashamed of yourself. Playing with a little girl's emotions like that. Wow. That really is abusive. How would you like it if your ex's g/f did that to YOUR child?


No wonder kids are so frucked up today! Look at what your generation is doing to them...ugh...just sickening.:sick:


Oh and PS...you said something about things come back ten-fold. I really hope that's true in your case. You'll deserve it.

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I will reply from a fathers position. Your boyfriend is in a very tough position. I have delt with these same type issues in the past. His ex has lost control of him even tho it looks like hes being weak look at it like this. He has a daughter who he loves and makes the time to see, many men would pull back from that if not only to keep the issues down. But hes not. Hes stepping up and being a father. His ex knows he is with you and she sees the father he's being and she im sure feels that she made a mistake in letting him go. She will continue to try to push your buttons as long as she see's that its working. He is in the middle trying to keep the fires out over there and also trying to deflect as much from you as possible even tho you may not see it. Believe me he is not telling you all the crap shes throwing around.... hes taking it and dealing with it so he can see his baby girl. Dont let her get to you... she will calm down in time or at least mine did after about two years of crap. Dont be to tough on your boyfriend remember hes doing the thing alot of us assume but many never do...... Hes being a father .... Good luck with your wedding and stay strong.

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Valgio, Thank you for your post i never really thought of how my boyfriend took this situation into consideration. I just think when she does something stupid and i get mad i feel he always takes her side. I can see your point of view on keeping the fire down but I cant look at it from your point of view because he has full physical and legal custody of his daughter. She lives with us and goes to see her mother once a month on a weekend. Its not like if he steps up to her that she can take the child back she cant so i dont know what his excuse as to why he takes her side and stick up for her. Thats why i always want to get back at her because i feel he is on herside.

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Valgio, Thank you for your post i never really thought of how my boyfriend took this situation into consideration. I just think when she does something stupid and i get mad i feel he always takes her side. I can see your point of view on keeping the fire down but I cant look at it from your point of view because he has full physical and legal custody of his daughter. She lives with us and goes to see her mother once a month on a weekend. Its not like if he steps up to her that she can take the child back she cant so i dont know what his excuse as to why he takes her side and stick up for her. Thats why i always want to get back at her because i feel he is on herside.


How does he stick up for her? I don't think you said that here. You said that he calls her yelling at her.

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Now you are just trying to compete with her and making her feel jealous/hurt. It will only hurt you in the long run if you are going to snoop to her level. Be the bigger person, she is the one who has the problem not you. Unless you keep finding ways to make her jealous. Look she probaly will always be jealous considering your the new woman.So why have to make matters worse? If you keep trying to find ways to get her back it will be a never ending cycle. Show this woman that you don't need to get back at her, show her your not going to waste your time.


Even if they did share moments together and spawned a kid together. Doesn't meen she is any better than you. Not everyone with kids last forever.


But hey if you want to really make her jealous get pregnent.....OH BOY will that push her buttons


I am joking lol

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He didnt stick up for her this time, i think he knew i was pissed, but all the other things she did to get under my skin he'd be right at bat to defend her.

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I would love to have a child of my own someday but i not right now, i would never get pregnant to make someone jealous. When i have a baby i want to be married and financial stable and have one out of love not spite. I dont get pregnant to keep men in my life i do have control over my own life so i dont need a man to support me because i have his kid no way. And besides i already have one that i didnt give birth too because her birth mother doesnt do a damn thing for her or support her.

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I would love to have a child of my own someday but i not right now, i would never get pregnant to make someone jealous. When i have a baby i want to be married and financial stable and have one out of love not spite. I dont get pregnant to keep men in my life i do have control over my own life so i dont need a man to support me because i have his kid no way.


This is all great.


And besides i already have one that i didnt give birth too because her birth mother doesnt do a damn thing for her or support her.


Now, just treat her as such! Do you not see where you were wrong?

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Thanks Buttaflyy i did see where i went wrong and from that when the kids mothers called yesterday i just told her nicely i didnt give her an attitude or anything i was calm. I said look Marlene i dont know where you are going with anything that you try to do but i just want to let you know i am not trying to take your place with your daughter if that is what it is all about. I have my own life and family to take care of and if i wanted another child i would have my own not try and take someone elses. As for Donny i am sorry things didnt work out between the you and him but you need to know that i am with him now and im not going any where so you have no choice but to except. She got mad and starting to yell and i just told nicely her Marlene i said what i had to say i have to go have a nice night and hung up on her.

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Thanks Buttaflyy i did see where i went wrong and from that when the kids mothers called yesterday i just told her nicely i didnt give her an attitude or anything i was calm. I said look Marlene i dont know where you are going with anything that you try to do but i just want to let you know i am not trying to take your place with your daughter if that is what it is all about. I have my own life and family to take care of and if i wanted another child i would have my own not try and take someone elses. As for Donny i am sorry things didnt work out between the you and him but you need to know that i am with him now and im not going any where so you have no choice but to except. She got mad and starting to yell and i just told nicely her Marlene i said what i had to say i have to go have a nice night and hung up on her.


Good! Anything other than what you did will only make you look and feel crazy yourself. :D

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Your right if me being nice to her makes me look crazy to her then so be it i can do that, it was quit easy to do and after i did it i felt good about it and it made me happy. My boyfriend was like why are you so happy what did you do? i just starting laughing at him. But i can honestly say i did feel good after.

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Your right if me being nice to her makes me look crazy to her then so be it i can do that, it was quit easy to do and after i did it i felt good about it and it made me happy. My boyfriend was like why are you so happy what did you do? i just starting laughing at him. But i can honestly say i did feel good after.


Well she doesn't sound very stable herself or too used to people being so nice to her so I wouldn't worry about how things appear from her view. Glad you're feeling good:) . And also remember that I'm sure her daughter will respect you for it too. She needs mature adults in her life if she's ever going to be one.

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