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Found out via the internet

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Not sure where to go from here.


I have been out of town for family reasons for a month and will be returning the 1st of December. Before I left, I had just begun seeing a guy, and we were embarking on something pretty nice.


However... I was on his myspace page about to send him a note when I noticed a comment from some girl that ended in "I love you" and it of course caught my eye. I clicked on her page and saw ENDLESS pictures of HIM on her page, and a comment also ending in "love". All over the page were references towards him.


I'm pretty pissed off, especially considering the dates are RECENT.


I don't know whether to just completely ignore his dumb ass or confront him about it.


Any ideas?

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Take him to North Carolina! LOL



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LOL.... yeah I think he's gonna be kicked to NC on this one. Funny b/c he just im-ed me.


Oh.. and yeah since I'm like 10 states away we carry on our communication via internet so that's why I found out via the net.

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I'd at least ask him bout it and give him a chance to explain. Are there pics of her all over his MySpace? Sometimes a person is way into someone that's not necessarily that into them back

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Ask him about it.


If he fumbles, kick him to NC.


Are the pictures on her page of them together? Did they look to be more than friends in the pictures? Friends say I love you to each other.


Was the comment on her page made by him?

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The comment on HIS page (left by her) says:


Thank You...for everything that you have been and continue to be for me! You are the greatest and you know it...love you...Becca


The comment on HER page (left by him) says:


Glad to see that after it's all said and done, I still have you with me. THANK YOU for everything... I love you...



**The pics are of them together, kissing (on the mouth), holding hands, her lying in his bed.***


Innocent? I think not. I'm just cutting him off and deleting the info. I don't have the time to be stressed out by this player.

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**The pics are of them together, kissing (on the mouth), holding hands, her lying in his bed.***

Haven't you heard of Photoshop? I really think you're overreacting.

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The comment on HIS page (left by her) says:


Thank You...for everything that you have been and continue to be for me! You are the greatest and you know it...love you...Becca


The comment on HER page (left by him) says:


Glad to see that after it's all said and done, I still have you with me. THANK YOU for everything... I love you...



**The pics are of them together, kissing (on the mouth), holding hands, her lying in his bed.***


Innocent? I think not. I'm just cutting him off and deleting the info. I don't have the time to be stressed out by this player.


Well, I'm assuming that the dates on the comments are recent so...


I'm sorry to hear about what you're experiencing. I would drop-kick the jerk and not waste any more time on him.

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